grations in this area; the coöperation of our Government with Canada is needed to work up the subject properly in the locust-region north of the United States boundary-line; and some other problems remain to be solved." This done, it is hoped that it will be "possible at least to greatly modify or lessen these invasions, and diminish the losses resulting therefrom, if not entirely prevent them."
Dangers from Color-Blindness in Railroad Employees and Pilots. By B. Joy Jeffries, M. D. Pp. 40. Incurability of Congenital Color-Blindness. Pp. 8. Color-Blindness and its Practical Relations. Pp. 4. Same author. Boston: Rand, Avery & Co. print.
The very title of the first of the above named publications will win for it the ear. nest attention of the public. The dangers from the color-blindness of railroad-men and pilots are obvious, and it is time that efficient measures should be taken to obviate them. The Massachusetts Board of Health is to be highly commended for having procured the publication of Dr. Jeffries's observations on this subject.
Elementary Course of Geometrical Drawing. By G. L. Vose. Illustrated by 38 Plates. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1878. Price, $5.
This course is designed to meet the wants of the lower classes in engineering schools; it will also be of service to those who wish to pursue this branch of study by themselves. The system here followed has been subjected for many years to the test of practical experience in the class of civil engineering in Bowdoin College.
Report of the Chief Signal-Officer for the Year 1877. With numerous Charts. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1877. Pp. 570.
A Face illumined. By E. P. Roe. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. Pp. 658. $1.50.
Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year 1877. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1878. Pp. 500.
The Telegraph in America. By James D. Reid. With numerous Portraits. New York: Derby Brothers. 1878. Pp. 846. $6.
The Races of European Turkey. By Edson L. Clark. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1878. Pp. 538. $3.
Daily Bulletin of Weather-Reports for January, February, and March, 1877. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1878.
First Quarter Century of the Home Insurance Company New York: Printed by order of the Board 1878. Pp. 80.
Astronomy. By R. S. Ball. New York: Holt & Co. 1873. Pp. 167. 60 cents.
Science News. Published fortnightly by S. E. Cassino, Salem, Mass. Vol. I., No. 1. Pp. 16. $2 per annum.
Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Report for the Year 1877. Minneapolis: Johnson, Smith & Harrison. 1878. Pp. 225.
Third Annual Report of the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore: Murphy print. 1878.
Annual Report on the Operations of the Department of the Interior for the Year ending June 30, 1878. Washington Government Printing-Office. Pp. 48.
An Essay on Free Trade. By Richard Hawley. New York: Putnam's Sons. 1878. Pp. 63. 25 cents.
Dissipation of Electricity in Gases. By Demetrieff Boboulieff. From the American Journal of Science and Arts. Pp. 13.
Report of the New York Association for improving the Condition of the Poor. Pp. 64.
Laws affecting Tenement and Lodging Houses in New York and Brooklyn. Printed by the Association. Pp. 11
Constituents of Climate, with Special Reference to Florida. By F. D. Lenie M. D. Louisville, Kentucky: Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal print. Pp. 56.
On the Genealogy of Plants. By Lester F. Ward. Pp. 378.
Report of the Survey of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes and the Mississippi River, in Charge of C. B. Comstock and M. H. Adams. Washington: Government Printing-Office. From Report of Chief of Engineers. 1877. Pp. 100.
Catalogue of the Iron Age Library. New York: David Williams. Pp. 50.
General Vaccination throughout the Country. By Elisha Harris. Pp. 16. Records of Deaths and Causes of Death, Same author Pp. 16. From Papers of the American Public Health Association. Cambridge: Riverside press. 1877.
Art Anatomy. By A. J. Howe, M.D. Pp. 23.
Note on Cladocera. By Edward A. Birge, Ph. D. With Plates. Pp. 34.
A Collection from the Ancient Cemetery at the Bay of Chacota, Peru. By John H. Blake. Printed at the Salem press. Pp. 304.
The Halifax Fishery Award. By Alexander Bliss. Washington: Beresford print. 1878. Pp. 24.
American Jurassic Dinosaurs. By O. C. Marsh. With Plates. Reprinted from American Journal of Science. Pp. 6.
Evolution of Character. By J. I. D. Hinds. Nashville, Tennessee: Ligon & Co. print, Pp. 11.
Air and Moisture on Shipboard. By T. J. Turner, M. D. Pp. 16.
Chemical Constitution of the Atmosphere. By Albert R. Leeds, Ph. D. From Annals of New York Academy of Sciences. Pp. 27.
Eradication of Syphilis and Crime By George F. French, M. D. Portland, Maine: Berry print. Pp. 8.
Conservation of Force. By Thos. H Musick. Mexico, Missouri: Union print. 1878. Pp. 56.
The Amateur's Handbook of Practical Information for the Workshop and Laboratory. New York: The Industrial Publication Co. 1878. Pp. 44. 10 cents.
Natural Succession of the Dicotyledons. By Lester F. Ward. From the American Naturalist. Pp. 11.