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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 14.djvu/850

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The Speaking Telephone, Electric Light, and other Recent Electrical Inventions. By George B. Prescott. With Illustrations. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1879. Pp. 616. $4.

Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1877). London: John Murray. Pp. 679.

Die Entwickelnng dea Menschengeschlechtes. Von Dr. Adelrich Steinach. Basel: Benno Schwabe; New York: Schlaepfer, 109 Allen St. 1878. Pp. 687. $2.50.

The Currency Question from a Southern Point of View. By R. W. Hughes. New York: Putnam's Sons. 1879. Pp. 222. $1.25.

Testing of Water-Wheels and Machinery. By James Emerson. Springfield, Massachusetts: Weaver, Shipman & Co. print. 1878. Pp. 216. $1.50.

Naval Hygiene; Human Health. By Joseph Wilson, M.D. With Colored Lithographs. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. 1879. Pp. 274. $3.

Report of the United States Entomological Commission (1877). With Plates. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1878. Pp. 771.

The Young Scientist. Vol. I. New York: Industrial Publication Co. 1878. Pp. 164.

Reading as a Fine Art. By Ernest Legouvé. Boston: Roberts Bros. 1879. Pp. 97. 50 cents.

Report of the Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse (1878) made at Fort Worth. Leonard Waldo, Editor. Cambridge: Press of John Wilson & Son. 1879. Pp. 60.

Habit and Intelligence. By John Joseph Murphy. Revised edition. London and New York: Macmillan. Pp. 621. $5.

After Death what? By Rev. W. H. Piatt. Revised and enlarged. San Francisco: Roman & Co. Pp. 209. $1.25.

Health, and how to promote it. By Richard McSherry, M.D. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 196. $1 25.

Archivos do Museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. With Plates. Rio de Janeiro: Typographia do imperial instituto artistico. 1878. Vol. II., Pp. 175; Vol. III., Pp. 50.

Proceedings of the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association. Boston: A. Williams & Co. print. Pp. 79.

Voussoir Arches. By William Cain, C. E. New York: Van Nostrand. 1879. Pp. 196. 50 cents.

Journal of Physiology. Michael Foster, M.D., Editor. With Plates. London and New York: Macmillan. Vol. I, No. 6. Pp. 70. $5.25 per year.

American Statistical Review. Quarterly. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Vol. I., Part 1. Pp. 120. $5 per year.

A Rational View of the Bible. By Newton M. Mann. Rochester, New York: Charles Mann print. 1879. Pp. 136.

The Horse and his Diseases. By B. J. Kendall, M.D. Enosburg Falls, Vermont: Published by the Author. Pp. 89. 25 cents.

Proceedings of the American Chemical Society. New York: Baker & Godwin print. 1879. Vol. II., No. 4. Pp. 24.

Chemical Examinations of Sewer Air. By Professor William Ripley Nichols. Boston: Rockwell & Churchill print. 1879. Pp. 16.

The Wisconsin Tornadoes of May 23, 1878. By W. W. Daniels. With Plates. Pp. 41.

Philosophy of Christianity. By Pliny E. Chase. Pp. 31.

The Hydatiform Mole. By J. W. Underhill, M.D. Cincinnati: "Lancet" print. 1879. Pp. 20.

The Female Generative Organs in their Medico-Legal Relations. By the same Author. New York: W. Wood & Co. Pp. 20.

Flora of Richmond County, New York. By Arthur Hollick and N. L. Britton. Staten Island: Published by the Authors. 1879. Pp. 36. 50 cents.

Annual Report of the Schools of the Province of Ontario (1877). Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Co. print. Pp. 260.

The Devonian Brachiopoda of Pará, Brazil. By Richard Rathbun. From "Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History." Pp. 39.

Sketch of New Zealand. By I. C. Russell. From "American Naturalist." Pp. 13.

Beneficial Influence of Plants. By J. M. Anders, M.D. From "American Naturalist." Pp. 15.

Relation of the National Government to Science. Speech of Hon. J. A. Garfield. Washington. 1879. Pp. 7.

Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation. By Joseph D. Weeks. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Anderson & Son print. Pp. 16.

The Triassic Formation of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. By I. C. Russell. New York: Gregory Bros, print. Pp. 35.

The Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms. By Mrs. N. B. Walker. New York: Wilbur & Hastings print. 1879. Pp. 18.

Report of the Freedmen's Aid Society of the M.E. Church (1878). Cincinnati: Book Concern. Pp. 64.

The Cobden Club. Letter by S. S. Boyce. Pp. 5.

Nature and Possibilities of Social Science. By Pierce Burton. Aurora, Illinois: "Herald" print. Pp. 8.

Common Sense on the Salt Question. By Henry A. Mott, Jr. New York: Nesbitt & Co. print. Pp. 11.

Natural Method in Language. By John E. Earp. Indianapolis: Douglass & Carlon print. 1879. Pp. 8.


The History of Map-making.—The President of the American Geographical Society, Judge Daly, in an address on the history of map-making previous to the time of Mercator, expressed his belief that the cartographic art is as old as, or even older than, the invention of the alphabet. The earliest map or topographical design extant, so far as we know, is the ground-plan of the town of Susa (in the Bible Shushan). This is assumed to date from the seventh century before our era. According to Strabo, Anaximander (born 612 b. c.) first represented the world in a map. The earth at that time was held to be a flat, circular plain entirely surrounded by the ocean-river. Greece was in the center of the plain. The great central sea of the inhabited region was the Mediterranean. The farthest point known on the west was the Pillars of Hercules