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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 15.djvu/146

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ticular, a complete and trustworthy guide both for ready reference and for study. In this connection we hope that it may prove an effectual impetus to, and become largely instrumental in, the better, more correct, and more thorough study of pharmacology so much needed by pharmacists, druggists, and physicians, and at the pharmaceutical and medical schools of our country.

The publisher deserves due credit for the good style in which the book has been brought out. If shortcomings in this respect can be pointed out, they consist mainly in the comparative inferiority of quite a number of the woodcuts. While a few of them—as, for instance, on pages 314, 645, 866, and 1161—are equal to the excellent illustrations of the corresponding standard works of the French, and in particular of the German literature, others are less satisfactory, and in not a few cases inadequate to such an elaborate work and to the present state of xylography. Future editions can remedy this want, and in this respect enhance the value of the work by a liberal addition of pharmacognostical illustrations.


Fasting Girls: Their Physiology and Pathology. By Wm. A. Hammond. M.D. New York: Putnams. 1879. Pp. 76. 75 cents.

Fashions of the Day in Medicine and Science. By H. S. Constable. Kingston-upon-Hull: Levy & Co. 1879. Pp. 300.

Sewer Gases. By A. de Varona. With Plates. Brooklyn: "Eagle" print. 1879. Pp. 157. 75 cents.

Mixed Essays. By Matthew Arnold. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 347. $2.

Life and Letters of Frances Baroness Bunsen. By A. J. C. Hare. Two vols, in one. With Portraits. New York: Routledge & Sons. 1879. Pp. 516 and 486. $5.

The Teacher. Hints on School Management. By J. R. Blakiston. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 106.

The Color-Sense. By G. Allen. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co. 1879. Pp. 294. $3.50.

Aids to Family Government. By B. Meyer. New York: Holbrook. 1879. Pp. 208. $1.

A Voyage with Death, and other Poems. By A. Welcker. Oakland, Cal.: Strickland & Co. Pp. 78.

Report of the New York City Board of Education. 1878. Pp. 419.

The Grocer's Manual. By P. H. Felker. Claremont, N. H.: Claremont Manufacturing Co. 1878. Pp. 312.

Chesapeake Zoölogical Laboratory. Session of 1878. With Plates. Baltimore: Murphy print. 1879. Pp. 170.

Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. By Thomas Meehan. Parts 21, 22, 23, 24. Boston: Prang & Co. 50 cents each.

Report of the Ontario Institution for the Blind (1878). Toronto: Robinson print. Pp. 29.

American Chemical Journal. Edited by Ira Remsen. Vol. I., No. 1. Baltimore: Innes & Co. print. Pp. 76. $3 per volume, 50 cents per number.

Journal of Physiology. Supplement to Vol. I. London and New York: Macmillan. Pp. 62.

Nests and Eggs of American Birds. By E. Ingersoll. Part I. With Plates. Salem, Mass.: Cassino. Pp. 20. 50 cents.

Report of the Western Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb (1878). Pittsburg; Stevenson, Foster & Co. print. Pp. 55.

The Silkworm. Washington: Government Printing-office. 1879. Pp. 31.

D'Unger's Cure for Dipsomania. Chicago: The Author. Pp. 16.

Organon of Science. By J. H. Stinson. Eureka, Cal.: Ayres print. Pp. 193.

Statistics of the Treasury Department (September, 1878). Washington: Government Printing-Offlce. Pp. 117.

Economic Monographs; International Copyright; Free Trade; Hindrances to Prosperity; Honest Money and Labor; National Banking. New York: Putnams. 1879. 25 cents each.

Report of the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: McLaughlin Brothers print. 1878. Pp. 130.

Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vol. HI., Part II. With Plate. Philadelphia: The Academy. 1876. Pp. 114.

Observations of the Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1878. By L. Waldo. With Plates. Cambridge: Press of J. Wilson & Son. 1879. Pp. 60.

Improved Dwellings for the Laboring Classes. With Plates. New York: Putnams. Pp. 45. 30 cents.

Structure of the Gorilla. By H. C. Chapman, M. D. With Plate. From "Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences." Pp. 10.

American Clinical Lectures. Edited by E. C. Seguin. M. D. Vol. III., No. 11. New York: Putnams.

Valedictory Address at the Jefferson Medical College. By Dr. J. A. Meigs. Philadelphia. 1879. Pp. 26.

Adulteration of Milk. By H. A. Mott, Jr. New York: Trow print. Pp. 69.

Turbine Wheels. By W. P. Trowbridge. New York: Van Nostrand. 1879. Pp. 88. 50 cents.

Anchor Ice and Public Water Supply. From "Proceedings of the Civil Engineers' Club of the Northwest." Pp. 7.

Triassic Formation of New Jersey. By J. C. Russell. From "Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences." Pp. 35.

Burdsal's Sulphate of Soda Deposits in Colorado Denver: "Times" print. Pp. 8.

Papers by the Phi Eta Scientific Society. Troy: The Society. 1879. Pp. 69.

The Evidence of the Senses. By W. G. Stevenson, M. D. Poughkeepsie. 1878. Pp. 15.

Neurility. By 8. V. Clevenger, M. D. Pp. 24.

Homœopathic Yellow Fever Commission. New York: Boericke & Tafel. Pp. 32.

The Mint Bureau. Speech of J. M. Glover, M. C. Washington. 1879. Pp. 19.

Improved Method of ringing a Bell in an Exhausted Receiver. By J. R. Baker. From "Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science." Pp. 4.

Damiana. By J. J. Caldwell, M. D. Pp. 8.

Rainfall, Percolation, and Evaporation. By Professor L. Stockbridge. Boston: Rand, Avery & Co. 1879. Pp. 38.