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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 15.djvu/338

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Fig. 5.—Graphic of the Progress of Trains upon a Railway, after Ibry's Method.—When we place the figure before us we read from the left, on the axis of the ordinate?, the series of stations, that is, the divisions to be run over; the distance between the stations on the paper is proportional to the kilometric distances which separate them. In the horizontal direction, that is, on the axis of the abscissæ, are counted the divisions of time in hours, themselves subdivided into spaces of ten minutes each. The breadth of the table is such that the twenty-four hours of the day are represented on it, commencing at 6 a. m., and ending next day at the same hour. If we wish to express that a train is on a certain point of the line at a certain hour, we shall point out its position on the table, opposite the station or any point of the line which it occupies, and on the properly chosen division of time. A single point of the table satisfies these conditions. At successive instants the train will occupy points on the table always different; the series of these points will give rise to a line which will be descending and oblique from left to right for trains coming from Paris, while it will be ascending and oblique in the same direction for trains going to Paris. The line which corresponds to each of the trains expresses the hours of departure and arrival, the relative and absolute rates of the trains, the instant of passing each of the stations, and the duration of stoppages. In fact, if we consider any particular train, we see that a train starts from the station at Paris at 11 a. m.; if we follow this train in its progress, we find that it has seven stoppages (during which it is not displaced in space, but only in time). These stoppages are translated by the horizontal direction of the line, opposite the station where they take place; the length of this horizontal line measures the duration of the stoppages. The line of the train, followed to the end, shows that the arrival takes place at 6 p. m.; but, if we reckon the distance on the axis of the ordinates, we see that 512 kilometres have been traversed in eleven hours ten minutes, stoppages included, which gives a mean rate of about forty-six kilometres per hour.

mirable apparatus which traces by a single stroke the curve of a movement.

This machine is now too well known to need description; however, I shall make it work before you in order to interpret its language and to show how a graphic curve translates all the phases of a movement. The parabolic curve traced expresses for each of its points the position in which the body is found at each of the instants of its fall; it thus supplies the most complete information on the nature of the movement. But if, knowing only the space run over and the time employed, we join the two extreme points of departure and arrival by a straight line, that line which will express the mean rate of the fall will not correspond to any of the rates which the body has successively possessed.

The expression of movement by a curve has been put into practice. An engineer named Ibry has devised a method of representing graphically the progress of trains upon a railway. This mode of representation, incomparably more explicit than the tables of figures of our railway indicators, has not yet got into the hands of the public; and