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must defend themselves, and that war is therefore a necessary evil, to be avoided whenever possible, and always mitigated to the utmost in its sufferings and its horrible waste of life. And yet when men go into it in cold blood as a business, regardless of its justice, and purely for the promotion of a selfish ambition, their conduct still meets with unbounded applause. It is said to be to the credit of the young Prince that he generously offered his services to England to fight the Zulus; but what business had this young Frenchman with the Zulu war? What had these distant Africans ever done, that he should desire to join in the work of killing them? He not only mixed up with what was none of his concern, but he espoused the cause of the wanton aggressor, for a greater outrage was never perpetrated than this British invasion of the Zulu people. But it is in accordance with military traditions and usages for ambitious men to seize any opportunity of making their mark. The Count of Paris came over to have a hand in our own glorious civil war, took sides, and went into the business of killing Southerners for the noble purpose of acquiring military prestige that might commend him to the French, and thus increase his chances of being accepted for the throne of that nation. The Prince Imperial "went to war" for the same purpose, that he might make a military name, and thus improve his chances of getting control of the French army at some future crisis, and play the despot like his predecessors. He followed a detestable practice for a villainous purpose, and got his just reward.


Under this title, Mr. John Fiske, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, formerly lecturer on Philosophy in Harvard University, has prepared a course of popular lectures which will be found worthy the attention of such associations as can appreciate first-rate intellectual work. Mr. Fiske is author of the "Cosmic Philosophy," and a thorough student of the modern tendencies of thought. He gave these lectures in Boston not long ago, and they made so excellent an impression that he was called to repeat them in London, and left early in June for that purpose. Mr. Fiske is well prepared by his philosophical and historical studies to give to the problem he has taken up an original and independent treatment. Familiar with the principles of social evolution, and having given much attention to the study of races, and to ethnological interactions in the progress of modern society, he is well prepared to handle the large and complex questions involved in the settlement of America, the organization of colonial institutions, the establishment of the American Republic, and the development of free government on this continent. The prospectus of this course of lectures is before us, and it is rich in topics that must deeply interest all thoughtful Americans. These are the sort of lectures that deserve encouragement and are worth working for.

The senior editor of this magazine also proposes to betake himself somewhat to his old business of lecturing during the coming season. For particulars address E. L. Youmans, office of "The Popular Science Monthly," New York.


The International Scientific Series, No. XXVII. The Human Species. By A. De Quatrefages, Professor of Anthropology in the Museum of Natural History, Paris. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 498. Price, $1.75.

The accomplished French anthropologist has here produced a remarkably attractive book. It is written with all that clearness and vivacity of manner for which