"This was believed to have been found in a locality not far from Dijon; but there as well, in spite of appearances, the rain-waters received on the portion of land overlooking the spring could amply suffice for its supply."
After referring to the former ignorance of people concerning the quantity of rain, of dew, and of snow, falling in different regions, Arago continues: "For example, people did not believe that the basin of the Seine. . . . received annually by rain a quantity of water equal to the tribute which the Seine bears to the sea in the same space of time. Perrault and Mariotte first studied the question experimentally, and they found, as is usual in such cases, that the vague conceptions of their predecessors were precisely the opposite of the truth. . . . The volume of water which passes yearly under the bridges of Paris is hardly the third of that which falls in rain into the basin of the Seine. Two thirds of that rain either return into the atmosphere by evaporation, or sustain vegetation and the life of animals, or drain into the sea by subterranean passages,"
Without insisting further on the fact that the rain-waters, dews, and snows falling on higher grounds must be sufficient to account for all flowing springs and wells (except, possibly, such cases as the geysers), let us see how Mr. Green's subterranean water-deposits are to be driven to the surface of the earth by his "newly discovered force." Why, by making the earth's centrifugal force act in the direction of the tangent to the earth's surface, and then getting the resultant of this force and of gravity! Further, since the question of the relative intensities of these two forces "does not enter into the problem," you may assume that they are equal, and thus you will find that "the direction of the resultant itself is, say, 45° from the direction of the force of gravity. . . . Moreover, since the resultant has been shown" (by saying that the diagonal either of a square or of a parallelogram is longer than either of its sides) "to be greater under all circumstances than gravity, certainly the vast aggregations must also be greater than the aggregated gravity, and will be able to overcome it under the conditions stated. . . . The intensity of the centrifugal force will increase with the distance from the center of the earth, while gravity will decrease; the resultant will also increase. Thus we find the strongest and most abundant overflows at the tops of mountains or on high plateaus."
As a specimen of mechanical exposition this is almost unique,[1] but it is too ludicrous to mislead. In point of fact, as every schoolboy ought to know, the centrifugal force due to the earth's rotation, on a particle at any place on the earth, does not act in the direction of the tangent
- ↑ Mr. Green is not quite the first writer who, in undertaking to overthrow a well-established mechanical explanation of natural phenomena, has assumed that the earth's centrifugal force acts in the direction of the tangent to its surface. (See discussions on "The Tides," in vols. xi. and xii. of this magazine.)