construction of the house, the means of lighting, warming, and ventilating it, and the water supply, drainage, and disinfection. There are also short chapters upon the population that, from a health point of view, should live in any given* space, and on workingmen's homes.
The Microscopical Investigations of the Havana Yellow Fever Commission. By George M. Sternberg, Surgeon U. S. A. New Orleans: S. Graham, Printer. 1880. Pp. 7.
Report of the State Engineer of California. Sacramento: State Printing-Office. 1880. Pp. 518.
Modern Abuse of Gynæcology. By Clifton E. Wing, M. D. Boston. Pp. 8.
Effects of Mixture of Races on Human Progress. By Professor Joseph Le Conte. Reprint from "Berkeley Quarterly." 1880. Pp. 24.
Quarterly Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics for the Three Months ending December 31, 1879. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1880.
The Sulcus Rolando and Intelligence. By S. V. Clevenger, M. D. Illustrated. Chicago: J. J. Spalding & Co., Printers. 1880. Pp. 23.
Interstate Extradition. By J. M. Kerr. St. Louis: G. J. Jones & Co. 1880. Pp. 22.
Astronomical Approximations. IV. Nodal Estimation of the Velocity of Light. V. Cometary Paraboloids. VI. Cosmical Determination of Joule's Equivalent. By Pliny E. Chase, LL. D., Professor of Philosophy in Haverford College.
Caries of the Ankles in Children. By V. P. Gibney, A. M, M. D. New York: W. Wood & Co. 1880. Pp. 26.
The "North American Entomologist." Edited by Professor A. R. Grote. An Illustrated Monthly for the Use of Students and Agriculturists. Buffalo, N.Y.: Reinecke & Zesch. Pp. 8. $2 a year.
The Masterful Ego, or Mind considered from a Purely Physical Standpoint. By W. D. Wilson. Ithaca: Andrus & Church. 1880. Pp. 8.
The Recession of the Falls of St. Anthony. By N. H. Winchell. State Geologist of Minnesota. Pp. 16. Illustrated.
Address of Professor S. P. Langley, Vice President Section A., before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Saratoga Meeting, August, 1879. Salem, 1879. Pp. 15.
Cerebral Topography. By S. V. Clevenger, M. D. Reprint from "Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease," October, 1879. Pp. 27.
Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Seventh Cincinnati Industrial Exhibition, 1879. Cincinnati: "Times" Printing Establishment. 1880. Pp. 408.
Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Vol. II., Part II. July. 1877 December, 1878. Davenport, Iowa: J. D. Putnam. 1880. Pp. 356. Illustrated.
Twelfth and Thirteenth Annual Reports of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology. Vol. II. Nos. 3 and 4. Cambridge, 1880. Pp. 311. Illustrated.
The Coming Crisis. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft & Co., Printers. 1879. Pp. 136. $1.
Problems in Relation to the Prevention of Disease. By J. R. Weist, A. M., M. D. Annual Address of the President of the Indiana State Medical Society. Richmond, Indiana: Telegraph Printing Co. 1880. Pp. 25.
Our Home: a Monthly Magazine. New York: George H. Bladworth & Co. No. 1. January, 1880. Pp. 28. $1 a year.
Heveenoid; the Rubber of the Future. By H. A. Mott, Jr., Ph. D. New York; Trow Printing Company. 1880. Pp. 13.
Eighth Annual Report of the Directors of the Zoölogical Society of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1880. Illustrated. Pp. 37.
Thirteen Papers in Support of Mr. Helper's Scheme for constructing a Longitudinal Double Track Steel Railway through North and Central and South America. St. Louis: W. S. Bryan. 1880. Pp. 24.
Hygienic and Therapeutic Relations of House Plants. By J. M. Anders, M. D., Ph. D. Philadelphia: Printed by J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1880. Pp. 16.
"On the Ghosts in Rutherford's Diffraction Spectra," and "A Quincuncial Projection of the Sphere." By C. S. Peirce. Reprinted from the "American Journal of Mathematics," Vol. II. 1879.
"Note on the Theory of the Economy of Research," and "Measurements of Gravity at Initial Stations in America and Europe." By C. S. Peirce. Appendices Nos. 14 and 15 to "United States Coast Survey Report of 1876." Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1879.
Multiplication and Division Table, containing the Products of Numbers between 1 and 100. For the Use of Accountants, Computers, and Teachers. By Leonard Waldo, S. D. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1880.
The Management of Children in Sickness and in Health. By Anne M. Hale, M. D. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 110. 50 cents.
The Morals of Evolution. By M. J. Savage. Boston: George H. Ellis. 1880. Pp. 191. $1.
The Fabulous Gods denounced in the Bible. Translated from Selden's "Syrian Deities." By W. A. Hauser. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1880. Pp. 178. $1.25.
The Metric System. By D. Beach. Jr. . and E. A. Gibbens. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1880. Pp. 62. 75 cents.
The Throat and its Functions. By Louis Elsberg, A. M., M.D. Illustrated. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1880. Pp. 60. $1.
Eminent Israelites of the Nineteenth Century. By Henry S. Morais. Philadelphia: Edward Stern & Co. 1880. Pp. 371. $2.
Health and Healthy Homes: A Guide to Domestic Hygiene. By George Wilson, M. A. . M. D. With Notes and Additions, by G. J. Richardson, M.D Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 307. $1.50.
The Field Engineer: A Handy-Book of Practice in the Survey, Location, and Track-work of Railroads. By William F. Shunk, C. E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1880. Pp. 325. $2.50.
Hints and Helps for National Guardsmen. By Colonel William H. Roberts. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1880. Pp. 228. $1.25.
A Practical Treatise on Sea-Sickness. By George M. Beard. M. D. New York: E. B. Treat, 1880 Pp. 74. 50 cents.
Water Analysis for Sanitary Purposes. By F. Frankland. F. R. S. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 149. $1.
The Hysterical Element in Orthopædic Surgery. By Newton M. Shaffer, M. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1880. Pp. 66. $1.