Diagram of the Progress of the Anthracite Coal-Trade of Pennsylvania, with Statistical Tables, etc. By the Messrs. Sheafer, Engineers of Mines, Pottsville, Pa. Chart.
This diagram is designed to accompany a paper which was read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its meeting for 1879. It shows the gradual development of the trade, and the dates of the opening of new avenues to the market. An accompanying diagram shows the estimated quantity of anthracite coal in the three several coal-fields of Pennsylvania, and the relative amount of waste and quantity mined. Another cut represents a cross-section in the southern anthracite coal-field of Pennsylvania. The tables show a variety of facts bearing on the subject, in Pennsylvania, the United States, and the world.
American Health Primers.—The Summer and its Diseases. By James C. Wilson, M. D. Winter and its Dangers. By Hamilton Osgood, M. D. The Throat and the Voice. By J. Solis Cohen, M. D. Brain-work and Overwork. By Dr. H. C. Wood. Philadelphia: Presley Blakiston. 1879 and 1880. Pp. 126 to 160. Price, 50 cents each.
These primers are prepared for the purpose of diffusing as widely and cheaply as possible a knowledge of the elementary facts of preventive medicine and the bearings and applications of the latest and best researches in medical and hygienic science, and of teaching people how to take care of themselves, their children, etc. They are written from an American point of view, with especial reference to our climate, sanitary legislation, and modes of life. The whole series is under the general supervision of Dr. W. W. Keen. The first volume, whose title is given above, considers each of the common special diseases of summer, and the means of preventing and curing them, and has a chapter on the skin in summer and its maladies. The second work enforces the need of suitable clothing, care in bathing, ample provision of pure fresh air, and out-of-door exercise in winter. In the third volume, the structure, care, and several diseases of the throat are treated of in separate chapters, and a second part is devoted to the voice and its cultivation. In the last primer of the list are discussed the subjects of the "Causes of Nervous Trouble," "Work," "Rest in Labor," "Rest in Recreation" and "Rest in Sleep."
Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio, Japan. Vol. II. On Mining and Mines in Japan. By C. Netto, M. E., Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, University of Tokio. Published by the University, Tokio. 2539 (1879). Pp. 56, with Plates.
This work comprises the substance of a lecture which was delivered before a German society, and has been translated into English to make it more accessible to Japanese students. The useful minerals in Japan, ranked nearly according to their importance, are coal, copper, silver, gold, iron, kaolin, petroleum, sulphur, lead, antimony, tin, cobalt, quicksilver, marble, jasper, agate, amber, graphite. The processes of mining and reducing the ores are described, after which is given a summary of the Japanese mining law, and a review of the measures that have been adopted or are contemplated by the Government for the encouragement of mining. Modern methods are shown to have been adopted in several of the mines, and their introduction has been attended with increase of production. The Government at present carries on a number of mines, into which it has introduced modern model works, partly for the sake of setting a good example to private owners. It is its policy, however, to surrender its establishments when they have become well organized, to be worked by private citizens. Six large plates give representations of the tools used by the Japanese in mining.
The American Journal of Philology. Edited by Basil Gildersleeve, Professor of Greek in Johns Hopkins University. Vol. I., No. 2. May, 1880. Baltimore: the Editor. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 126. Four numbers a year. Subscription price, $3.00.
This journal is open to original contributions in all departments of philology, gives condensed reports of current philological work, summaries of the chief articles in the