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previous to burial, and the ceremonies attendant upon it; the method of burial, the site, attitude of body, its manner of resting, the ceremonies and the beliefs of the tribe where it occurs concerning it; the gifts offered to the dead, at the time of burial and later; the superstitions relative to the influence of the dead over the living; and all those practices which express these beliefs, as well as the methods and periods of mourning. . Many of the customs and practices described are extremely curious, and all are of interest, not alone to one whose studies have been in this field, but to all intelligent people. The coöperation of all who have opportunities of observation of the Indians is solicited, to the end of making the final publication on the subject as complete and valuable as possible.

Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. By Edward C. Pickering, aided by Arthur Searle and Winslow Upton. Vol. II, Part II. Photometric Observations. Cambridge, University Press: John Wilson & Son. 1879. Pp. 315.

This is a continuation of the photometric observations of Professor Pickering upon the light of the stars. The observations include those upon the satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Measurements have also been made of the light of unequal double stars, where the difference between the two is considerable, and also of that of a number of the asteroids. Some observations upon the limit of visibility have also been made, and are still in progress. A discussion of the results obtained on this latter subject is reserved for a future part.

The Hair, its Growth, Care, Diseases, and Treatment. By C. Henri Leonard, M. A., M. D., Professor of Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women in the Michigan College of Medicine. Illustrated by 116 Engravings. Detroit: C. Henri Leonard. Pp. 319. Price, $2.

The author has here evidently aimed to make a popular work, conveying as much scientific information as he can make consistent with that idea. It seems to be a very good digest of general knowledge relating to the structure and diseases of the hair, and gives many hints respecting its care and healthful preservation. The volume is interspersed with a great deal of curious information respecting extraordinary hair-growths, and the author is fond of applying the multiplication-table to the subject, and bringing out the most astonishing results from insignificant elements. For example: "Were it possible to place end to end the hirsute covering of the heads of Detroit citizens, we would have a hair-line long enough to more than reach thirteen times to the moon, or one that would belt the earth some one hundred and twenty times at its equator." The volume is preparatory to a larger work, in which the author promises to show the possibility of the classification of animals from the differences in the microscopical structure of their hair-shafts.

Essays on Art and Archæology. By Charles Thomas Newton, C. B., Ph. D., D. C. L., LL. D. London: Macmillan & Co. 1880. Pp. 472. Price, $4.

In this volume Mr. Newton has collected a number of papers contributed by him to different periodicals, most of them in recent years, though several date back a considerable time. They are written in an agreeable style, and will be found of interest, not only to those who have more or less acquaintance with the subject, but to the wider circle of the general public.

The opening paper of the volume, read at the Oxford meeting of the Archæological Institute, in 1850, is an exposition of the scope of the science, bearing the title "On the Study of Archæology." In it the author considers the kind of records of the past of the human race with which archæology is concerned, the difficulties that encompass investigation, and the need of museums, etc., where the collections of materials can be classified and disposed for intelligent study. Mr. Newton's experience, as keeper of Greek and Roman antiquities in the British Museum, qualifies him for the discussion of the best way of arranging the collections in that institution, which forms the second paper of the volume. That placed third is devoted to an account of the Greek sculptures from the west coast of Asia Minor, now in the same museum. A long and interesting essay is that on "Greek Inscriptions," in which Mr, Newton points out the great