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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 18.djvu/891

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Respiration, Effect of Physical Training on 284
River-Water, Purification of, by Organic Agents 709
Rock-Weathering, as Illustrated in Churchyards 654
Romanes, George J. 108

Sabbath, The (J. Tyndall) 246
Sabbath, The (J. Tyndall) 310
Sanitary Improvement, Efficacy of 430
Science and Culture 159
Science at Princeton College 122
Science at the University of Michigan 123
Science in the Colleges 126
Science College, Sir Josiah Mason's 265
Science in the Schools of France 573
Science, Prehistoric, en Fte 544
Sciences, The National Academy of 412
Scientist, An Ancient 833
Sea, Carbonic Acid in the 862
Sea, The Deep Explorations of, off the Coast of France 855
Seguin, Dr. Edouard 268
Sewerage, The Study of, in London 414
Sewer-Waters, The Purification of 806
Smelting-Furnace, A New 281
Spencer, Herbert 1
Spencer, Herbert 101
Spencer, Herbert 145
Spencer, Herbert 289
Spencer, Herbert 387
Spencer, Herbert 433
Spencer, Herbert 624
Spencer, Herbert 721
Spencer, Mrs. A. G. 643
Solar Machine, A 283
Solar System, M. Faye's Theory of the 858
Spiders and Tuning-Forks 718
Split Stones in the Desert 569
Stammering 711
State, The, as an Educator 664
Strawberry-Leaf Beetle, The 852
Suicide, Relation of Age and Marriage to 282
Suicide, Statistics of 860

Thermometers, Examination of, at the Yale Observatory 367
Thermometers, Variations in the Fixed Points of 286
Thompson, Professor Silvanus P. 26
Thompson, Professor Silvanus P. 202
Thompson, Professor Silvanus P. 519
Thunderstorms, The Phenomena of 572
Tracy, R. S., M.D. 585
Transformation of Sound into Light 142
Trees, The Circulation of Sap in 140
Trichinosis on a British School-ship 574
Turquoises 712
Tylor, E. B. 448
Tyndall, Professor John, F. R. S. 246
Tyndall, Professor John, F. R. S. 310
Typhoon, A Japanese 356

Varigny, Henry de 599
Verneau, Dr. R. 744
Vine-Slip, Only a 539
Visual Tests, The Regulation of 571