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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 19.djvu/132

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The Care and Culture of Children. A Practical Treatise for the Use of Parents. By Thomas S. Sozinskey, M. D., Ph. D., author of the "Culture of Beauty," etc. Philadelphia: H. C. Watts & Co. 1880. Pp. 484. Price, $2.50.

The author's object in this work is to give such information and advice as will enable parents to perform intelligently their duty to their children in matters of physical and mental training, in health and sickness. The first part relates to the care of children, and includes chapters on the conditions of health, diet, clothing, cleanliness, exercise, etc., the prevention of disease, and treatment in sickness of whatever character. In the second part, physical and intellectual culture is discussed, with faithful attention to details and an evident desire to cover the whole subject. The style is in many places brief and pointed, in others diffuse.

Baldwin Locomotive Works. Illustrated Catalogue. Second edition. Philadelpia: J. B. Lippincott. 1881. Pp. 152. Price, $5.

This, while being a very elegant trade catalogue, is also something more, by reason of the summary of the progress of locomotive construction in this country which it contains. The account is in the form of a history of the works, but, as Mr. Baldwin was one of the first and most successful locomotive-builders, the history of his efforts is largely that of the continuous improvements which have transformed the locomotive of 1830 into that of to-day. In the catalogue proper the various types of locomotives now made at the works are illustrated by photographs and scale drawings.

"Change" as a Mental Restorative. By Joseph Mortimer-Granville. London: David Bogue. 1880. Pp. 32.

Change—of place, surroundings, or occupation—is, the author believes, too often prescribed without sufficient discrimination, so that sometimes the patient's situation is not improved, or may even be made worse, by the new exercise or in the new place. The present essay is a study of the manner in which change may operate beneficially, of the kind of change that is good, and of the principles by which the prescription of it should be guided.

Pueblo Pottery. By F. W. Putnam. From the "American Art Review" for February, 1881. Pp. 4, with colored Plate.

In this paper are described a number of specimens of pottery of the Pueblos of New Mexico, with peculiar decorations, some of which provoke comparisons with the ornamentation of the Cyprian potteries. The largest vessel, from Zuñi, is marked with considerable taste, and displays striking figures of deer in black, and a conventionalized shrub in red. A water-bottle from San Ildefonso is rudely fashioned in the shape of a bird, and is decorated, like some of the Cyprian pottery, with figures of birds painted in black upon a white ground. A third vessel shows a more common ornamentation of Pueblo pottery. A comparison of modern specimens with ancient shows that the art has deteriorated. The ornamentation in both kinds is confined to figures expressed in color. No specimen of incised work is known. The representation of natural forms appears to be of modern introduction.

Adam Smith. By J. A. Farrer. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1881. Pp. 201. Price, $1.25.

This is the opening volume of a series to be devoted to an exposition of the chief contributions made to philosophy by English thinkers. In explanation of the purpose of the project, the editor. Professor Iwan Müller, says in the preface: "We seek to lay before the reader what each English philosopher thought and wrote about the problems with which he dealt. . . . Criticism will be suggested rather than indulged in, and these volumes will be expositions rather than reviews. . . . It is hoped that the series, when complete, will supply a comprehensive history of English philosophy." Professor H. Sidgwick will contribute a volume under the title of "Introduction to the Study of Philosophy," and arrangements have already been made for the early appearance of volumes upon Bacon, Berkeley, Hamilton, J. S. Mill, Mansel, Bentham, Austin, Shaftesbury and Hutcheson, Hobbes, Hartley and James Mill. These will be followed by others upon Locke, Hume, Paley, Reid, and later philosophic writers. The design of the series is excellent, and, if all the contributors do their work as well