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ceeding chapters are described the civil-service and similar stores, the coöperative insurance societies, the provident dispensaries, and the people's banks. The scope of the work is not, however, limited to the consideration of schemes of coöperation that have succeeded. Attention is also given to those that have failed, particularly in the United States, and the attempt has been made to examine and analyze the causes that have conduced to failure.

Contributions to the Anatomy of the Milk-Weed Butterfly, Danais Archippus (Fabr.). By Edward Burgess, Secretary of the Boston Society of Natural History. Boston: Published by the Society. Pp. 16, with Two Plates.

This monograph is intended to serve as a guide to the general study of the structure of the Lepidoptera. The particular species is chosen as a type of the order well adapted to the purpose, on account of its large size, common occurrence, and wide distribution, and partly because the anatomy of no species of Danaidæ has yet been studied.

Locke's Conduct of the Understanding. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, etc., by Thomas Fowler, M. A. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. Pp. 136. Price, 50 cents.

Although this fragment is not finished, but was written and left only as a rough draught of a chapter which the author intended to complete and add to its essay, it has been regarded, even in its crude shape, as one of the most valuable aids to self-culture. Professor Fowler has endeavored to make it more generally useful by means of added notes and suggestions, without changing the text.

Middletown Scientific Association. Occasional Papers. No. 1. Annual Address of the President Rev. Frederick Gardner, D. D., January 18, 1881. Middletown, Connecticut. Pp. 19.

The address marks the completion of the tenth year of the Association, the meetings of which have been kept up all the time with reasonable regularity. The President discusses the special subject of "The Universality of the Laws of Heredity and Variability."

Railroads and Telegraphs: Who shall control them? By F. H. Giddings. Springfield, Massachusetts: "The Manufacturer and Industrial Gazette." Pp. 12.

The author recognizes the wickedness of monopolies and the abuses they engender, but holds that the remedy is not to be found in State possession or control of railroads and telegraphs. Any close regulation or supervision by the State would aggravate the evils and increase the number and power of rings. The people who use the lines should take the control into their own hands by becoming stockholders and attending to the management of them.

The Diet-Cure; the Relations of Food and Drink to Health, Disease, and Cure. By T. L. Nichols, M. D. New York: M. L. Holbrook & Co. Pp. 83. Price, 50 cents.

This book teaches that pure food makes pure blood, and pure blood builds up a healthy body. The author believes that it is needed, notwithstanding all that has been written on the subject, because "there are still people who eat and drink more than is good for them, as well as what is bad for them."

Modern Architectural Details; For Dwellings and Cottages in Modern Styles. New York: Bicknell & Comstock. To be completed in Ten Parts, each containing Eight Plates. Price, $1 for each part.

The purpose of this work is to present new and original designs of dwellings at moderate cost, in the Queen Anne, Eastlake, Elizabethan, and other modernized styles, exterior and interior details of houses, stores, offices, etc., and designs of low priced-cottages. The drawings are furnished by a considerable number of contributors, so that variety is assured. The sixth number contains perspectives of two dwellings, with the details carefully wrought out.

The Magazine of Art, April, 1881. London, Paris, and New York: Cassell, Fetter, Galpin & Co. Pp. 48. Price, 35 cents.

This number contains, besides special papers, articles on "Symbolism in Art," "Architectural Sculpture," and the "Ideal in Ancient Painting."