cal Science; E, Geology and Geography; F, Biology; G, Anthropology; H, Economic Science and Statistics; I, a permanent subsection of Microscopy. The contemplated excursions include one by the Anthropological Section to "Fort Ancient." A loan exhibition of scientific apparatus, appliances, and collections, will be held, in connection with the meeting, by the department of Science and Arts of the Ohio Mechanics' Institute.
The French Association at Algiers.—The French Association for the Advancement of Science met at Algiers, April 14th, and was attended by about fifteen hundred persons, among whom a large proportion of medical men was observed. The opening address was by the President, M. Chauveau, Professor of Physiology in the Lyons Veterinary College, and related principally to the germ theory and Pasteur's theory of fermentation. Several papers on local subjects, chiefly relating to the geology, geography, and demography of Algeria, were read in the general Association, among the results of the presentation of which were the diffusion of much information concerning the colony, and the acquisition of matter which will tend to help its development. One of the most interesting of these papers was by Colonel Playfair, the British consul-general, one of the only two Europeans who have visited their country, on the Kroumirs. Among the papers read in the sections, those in the medical and agronomical sections predominated over all the others. Most of the papers in the mathematical section related to subjects of pure geometry, and several of them were by foreign mathematicians. M. Trepied brought forward a project for the construction of an observatory at Algiers. The most important papers in the section of civil engineering were by Colonel Fourchault, on defensive villages, and by M. Trémaux, on irrigation. Accounts of the lead and iron mines of Tunis, and the copper-mines of the Petit Kabylie, were given in the geological section. Meteorology was well cared for with papers on the meteorology of Asia and of the Sahara, on meteorological instruments, and other related subjects. Among the anthropological papers, which were numerous, were those on the Kabyles, the Tziganes, the Romans in Africa, the Berber migration, the civil, political, and religious institutions of the Jews, and some craniological studies; a prehistoric map of the north of Africa was discussed in this section. The most interesting medical papers were on the epidemics of Algiers, acclimatization, and on the climate of Algiers as regards its influence on consumptive patients. A considerable proportion of the agronomical papers also bore on Algerian interests. Botany, zoölogy, and zoötechny were inadequately represented. The new section of pedagogy was established under the presidency of M. Godard, of the École Monge, in Paris. The working sessions of the Association were shortened in order to give time for the entertainments, some of which were peculiar to the country, and the excursions—to the borders of Tunis, to the country of the Kabyles, to the Sahara, to the boundaries of Morocco, and to interesting spots in the province. Each member of the meeting was presented with a work of scientific, historical, and economical notices of Algiers and Africa; and, whatever else the conference may have done, it has helped to add immensely to the world's knowledge of Northern Africa.
The association has now had a successful career of ten years, and has done some good work. The topics of which it takes cognizance are divided into the four groups of mathematical, physical and chemical, natural and economic sciences, and are considered in sixteen sections.
Hereditary Color-Blindness.—A correspondent has furnished us an account of some remarkable instances of hereditary color-blindness. "I recently heard," she writes, "a very intelligent boy of fourteen speak in this manner: 'Father, you know that green or brown mare of Abe's?' The same lad, speaking of a colored person—'What color?' interrupted a captious listener. 'About that color,' answered the boy, pointing to a jar of pickled cucumbers. The lad, whom I call D
, belongs to a family who have for several generations been troubled with color-blindness. His grandfather was unable to distinguish red, green, and brown, and confounded blue and pink, but always named yellow aright." The