The attachment of this interesting animal to her new home was intense. I frequently caused her to be taken to the commons and set at liberty among the trees. Considering that the coati is a thoroughly arboreal animal, and such its agility that it descends trees head first, one would suppose that this would awaken the dormant natural habits; but she would invariably hasten home by the shortest route possible; and, if, on her return, she found the door closed, would sit on the steps and cry.
Fig. 7.
American Tapir (Tapirus americanus). The snout of this animal is a proboscis, to some extent is prehensile; hence approaching that of the Elephant.
One morning, at an early hour, coati was missed from the kitchen. A search was set up. The ringing voice of our little boy was heard, with the occasional word, "Jack." And so it was—Jack was in bed with the little three-year-old, and they were having a high time together. This trick she played whenever opportunity allowed. Often,