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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 20.djvu/432

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of a vast polar ice-cap to force outward the peripheral portion of the ice that may have accumulated in any latitude is unnecessary and incompetent. The viscous theory of ice-motion is adopted, with some modifications, and some of the most serious objections to it are considered.

Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. 1881. No. 1. The Construction of Library-Buildings. Pp. 26. No. 2. The Relation of Education to Industry and Technical Training in American Schools. Pp. 22. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

The first of these circulars is the paper on the construction of library-buildings, which was read by Mr. William F. Poole, of Chicago, at the last meeting of librarians in Washington. Its object is not to formulate rules that must be rigidly followed, but to set forth the conditions for library-buildings which experience has shown to be indispensable.

The second circular embraces papers which have been prepared by President White, of Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, on the two subjects of "Technical Training in American Schools" and "The Relation of Education to Industry."

The Disposal of the Dead: A Plea for Cremation. By Edward J. Bermingham, M. D. New York: Bermingham & Co. Pp. 89. Price, $2.

The purpose of this volume is to give an exposition of the present state of the subject of cremation in public discussions, to point out the supposed evils of inhumation, to assist in removing the prejudice against cremation, and secure new friends for it. After considering the different methods of disposing of the dead, and the inconveniences of burial, it reviews the history of cremation among ancient nations and in modern times; considers it from a sentimental point of view, showing its consistency with the best and holiest feelings with reference to the dead; furnishes descriptions of the process and of the different apparatus in use; shows how economical and salutary it would be to cremate dead animals and garbage; and closes with a summary of the arguments on both sides of the question.

Pliocene Man in America. By James C. Southall, A. M., LL. D., of Richmond, Virginia. Being a Paper read before the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain. With Remarks by the Duke of Argyll, Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, Principal Dawson, Professor T. McKenny Hughes, and others. New York: A. D. F. Randolph & Co. Pp. 30.

The author takes up the cases of human relics that have been found in California in such situations and under such circumstances as to cause a pre-glacial antiquity to be assigned them, and argues to show that that conclusion is not necessary, and that there is nothing in either the situation or condition of the relics to make a post-glacial origin impossible or even improbable.

Report on the Cotton Production of the State of Louisiana, with a Discussion of the General Agricultural Features of the State. By Eugene W. Hilgard, Professor of Agriculture at the University of California (extra "Census Bulletin"). Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 99.

This report is intended to form a part of the complete report on the cotton-culture of the United States shortly to be issued. It is designed for the information of the general public, as well as of the statistician and student, and is therefore thrown into a popular form. The author is surprised that so few State surveys have popular use of the results of their systematic investigations in view, but has always in his own work considered this the most important object to be compassed. Were it always sought, State surveys, he believes, would be more popular, better sustained, and therefore more complete.

The Young Folks' Astronomy. By John D. Champlin, Jr. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1881. Pp. 236. Price, 60 cents.

The author of this book says, "There can be little question of the propriety of early grounding a child in an elementary knowledge of the astronomical features of the earth on which he lives and of the universe of which it forms a part." He adds also that the "primers" hitherto made for the purpose are failures. In this he is right, and his own book will have to take its place