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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 20.djvu/891

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Ether, The Interstellar 142
Explosives, Modern 794
Explosives, Speed of 429

Fairchild, H. L. 448
Fairchild, H. L. 742
Fallacies, Popular 156
Farnsworth, P. J. 267
Fauna, Deep Sea, Characteristics and Diversities of 285
Feature, A New 556
Forces Inorganic, Balance and Compensation of 123
Fossils, New Carboniferous 861
France, New Conditions affecting Life in 860

Gannett, Henry 781
Gardens, The Floating, of Cashmere 284
Garretson, Frederick, M.D. 541
Geikie, James 665
German Naturalists and Physicians, Association of 574
Gesture-Speech 135
Gould, Professor B. A., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 683
Government, Elective, The Machinery of 628
Granville, Dr. J. Mortimer 102
Granville, Dr. J. Mortimer 461
Guébhard, Adrien 175

Hakim ben Sheytan, Travels and Adventures of 688
Hakim ben Sheytan, Travels and Adventures of 830
Hardaker, Miss M. A. 577
Hartwich, C. 523
Health, Heat and 573
Heart-Disease, Hope for Sufferers by 711
Heat and Health 573
Hildebrand, F. 657
Hitchcock, Professor C. H. 229
Hitchcock, C. H., Letter from 403
Houses, Ancient Aboriginal 287
Hovey, H. C., Letter from 403
Human Life, The Duration of 95
Human Life, The Duration of 553
Huxley, T. H. 165
Hyacinth-Bulbs 817
Hygienic Precautions 56

Ice Period, North America in the 229
Images of the American Stone Age 286
Indian Burial-Caves 711
Infectious Organisms, Cultivation of 424
Irving's Works, Copyright of 554

James, Joseph F. 384
Jews, Physiological Immunities of the 426
Jones, Louise Coffin, Letter from 123
Jurassic Birds and their Allies 312