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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 21.djvu/891

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Sanitary Inspection of Houses 430
Sanitary Objects, Co-operation of Medical Officers and People in 861
Say, Thomas, Sketch of, with Portrait 687
Scarlatina, The Soil and 858
Schools, British, Sanitary Reports of 138
Schools, Public, Science in the 122
Science and Culture 123
Science in the Public Schools 122
Science, Recent Applications of, to Machinery 565
Science, Speculative 145
Scientific Meeting, The Montreal 846
Sea-Level, Atmospheric Pressure and the 562
Seeds, Clouds of 142
Seeds, The Germination and Vitality of 278
Self-Defense, Animal. (Illustrated.) 595
Senses, The Development of the 34
Sewage-Irrigation in German Cities 568
Sewerage of Large Villages 277
Siberian Products 281
Siemens, C. William 223
Signs, More, of the Times 545
Sioux Superstitions 422
Smith, Professor Goldwin, as a Critic 18
Societies, Scientific, in Japan 566
Sociology, Spencer's Descriptive 406
Sound-Shadows in Water 420
Spencer, Herbert 18
Spencer, Herbert 767
Spencer's Descriptive Sociology 406
Spider, My 513
Spiders, Silk-spinning 281
Springs, Intermittent, The Mechanics of. (Illustrated.) 370
Stallo, J. B. 145
Stallo's Concepts of Modern Physics 96
Stars, Variable 709
Stereoscope, The, Its History. (Illustrated.) 37
Stereoscope, The. Its Theory. (Illustrated.) 197
Stevens, W. Le Conte 37
Stevens, W. Le Conte 197
Storage-Batteries, Electric 408
Straight, Professor H. H. 809
Sugar, The Chemistry of 500
Sun-Spots, What are? 422
Sun, The, A New Theory of 223
Sun-Worship and the Cross in Ancient America 711
Superstitions, Sioux 422
Sword, The Genesis of the. (Illustrated.) 79
Symbols, The Astronomical, Origin of 425

Taine, Littr, Dumas, Pasteur, and 667
Telegraphy, Sea, for Ships 717
Teleradiophone, The 425
Telescope, The Great, at Princeton 560