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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 22.djvu/274

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erred in that he relied too much on his own deductions, and did not sufficiently appreciate the importance of verifying them by experiment and close observation. Thus it came about, as Karl Midler has remarked, that he has given us, in his works, "a diversified mixture of philosophical prepossession, jejune observation, and fanciful description. Nevertheless, despite his peculiar weaknesses, his followers recognize him as a reformer of botany, and allot him a permanent and eminent place in the history of that science."

Schleiden's works are numerous; we will mention "Grundzüge der wissenschaftlichen Botanik" (two vols., Leipsic, 1842-'43) ("Elements of Scientific Botany"), fourth edition 1861, translated into English by Dr. Lankester, London, 1849; "Die Pflanz und ihr Leben" ("The Plant and its Life"), sixth edition, Leipsic, 1864, translated by Professor Henfrey, London, 1848; "Handbuch der medicinisch pharmaceutischen Botanik" ("Manual of Medicinal Pharmaceutical Botany"), (Leipsic, 1852); "Studien" ("Studies"), (second edition 1857); "Handbuch der botanischen Pharmakognosie" ("Manual of Botanical Pharmacology"), (Leipsic, 1857); "Die Landenge von Suez" ("The Isthmus of Suez"), (1858); "Zur Theorie des Erkennens durch den Gesichtssinn" ("Additions to the Theory of Determination by the Sense of Sight"), (Leipsic, 1861); "Geognostische Beschreibung des Saalthals bei Jena" ("Geognostic Description of the Valley of the Saal at Jena"), (Leipsic, 1846); "Beiträge zur Botanik" ("Additions to Botany); "Pflanzen und Thierphysiologie in Encyklopädie der theoretischen Naturwissenschaft" ("Physiology of Plants and Animals in Encyclopædia for Theoretical Natural Philosophy"), (Braunschweig, 1850); "Gedichte" (pseudonym "Ernst"), ("Poems") (nom deplume "Ernst"), 1858; "Das Meer" ("The Ocean"), (Berlin, 1865); "Baum und Wald" ("Tree and Forest"), (1870); "Uber den Materialismus der neueren deutschen Naturwissenschaft" ("Materialism in Modern German Natural Philosophy"); "Die Bedeutung der Juden für die Erhaltung und Wiederbelebung der "Wissenschaften im Mittelalter" ("The Signification of the Jews in the Conservation and Revival of the Sciences in the Middle Ages")—a work demonstrating the high degree of culture maintained by the Jews, even during the darkest periods of history, and the important part they had in the development of science and letters in Christendom—(1877); "Die Romantik des Martyriums bei den Juden im Mittelalter" ("The Romance of the Jewish Martyrology of the Middle Ages"), (Leipsic, 1878).