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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 23.djvu/138

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tion of the human mind is ancient, universal, and very deep in human nature. It is held that man has as much right to be measured by his aspirations as by any other of his psychical traits, and that he has reaches of intuition and inspirations of insight that will not be hemmed in by his transient experiences of time and space. They say he has a bodily organism by which he is confined to a very narrow area upon the little planet which he inhabits, but that, nevertheless, in virtue of his higher capacities, he makes himself at home in a universe of which he can nowhere find the limit, and they hold that this fact gives high assurance that there may be still vaster possibilities and extensions in the ever-unfolding future.

The author of the little book before us belongs to this class which refuse to be shut in by the material limitations of the surrounding world. While admitting that science is phenomenally circumscribed, they hold that the unknown may not be exhausted by its methods. The book is a quiet but earnest presentation of the considerations which, in the mind of the writer, are sufficient to justify a steadfast faith in man's immortal future. It is impossible here to give any synopsis of the course of Dr. Nichols's reasoning; but those who are interested in its line of thought will find that its arguments are ingenious and instructive, and by many they will undoubtedly be regarded as cogent and valid. But they are not put forward in any dogmatic spirit. They aim simply to be suggestive and helpful, and from this point of view there arc multitudes who will find them satisfactory.

Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of America. I. January, 1883. E. H. Greenleaf, Secretary. Boston: A. Williams & Co. Pp. 40.

The work of the Institute was carried on at the ancient Greek city of Assos, in Asia Minor, during the spring, summer, and autumn of 1882, with fruitful and interesting results. The explorations, not yet completed, will be continued during the present year, till the expiration of the permission which has been accorded by the Turkish Government. It is probable, the report states, that, when all is done, "the remains at Assos will not only present the most perfect idea of a Greek city that is anywhere to be obtained, but will afford a better insight into the life of an antique city than is to be gained even from the streets and houses of Pompeii." Mr. Ad. F. Bandelier presents an interesting summary of his work in New Mexico, chiefly among the ruined pueblos, and outlines the plan of a journey of archaeological exploration which he is now making through the comparatively unexplored regions of the Mexican border.

On the Loess and Associated Deposits of Des Moines. By W. J. McGee, of Farley, Iowa, and R. Ellsworth Call, of Des Moines, Iowa. New Haven, Connecticut: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers. Pp. 24.

We have here a careful study in local geology and physical geography, from which interesting conclusions are drawn respecting the contour of the glacial terminal moraine and the conditions under which the drift deposits were accumulated in the region of Des Moines. The peculiar fact is brought out that the rivers in this region have avoided low-lying plains and sought elevated plateaus and ridges of both sedimentary rocks and quaternary deposits, and that their general course is at right angles to the mean slope of the surface which they drain.

"Papilio." A Monthly Journal, devoted solely to Lepidoptera. Henry Edwards, Editor, 185 East 116th Street, New York. Price, $2 a year.

The publication of this journal has now been continued for over two years, the first number having appeared in January, 1881. During this time it has contained articles upon the insects within its scope, by the most distinguished entomologists in Europe and the United States. The two volumes that have been completed contain, together, about 430 pages of matter and six colored lithographs, besides several woodcuts of interest. As occurs in the early career of most natural history publications, this magazine has entailed upon its projectors a heavy loss. But they are still full of hope, and urgently ask of all who recognize the importance of such a publication, that such help as can be afforded may be freely given, in order that so excellent a labor may not