eon the beef was taken into the larder. The dog did not think he had his fair share. What did he do? Now, he had been taught to stand on his hind-legs, put his paw on a lady's wrist, and hand her into the dining-room. He adopted the same tactics with the canon, stood on his hind-legs, put his paw on his arm, and made for the door. To see what would follow, Canon suffered himself to be led, but the sagacious dog, instead of steering for the dining-room, led him in the direction of the larder, along a passage, down steps, etc., and did not halt till he brought him to the larder, and close to the shelf where the beef had been put. The dog had a small bit given him for his sagacity, and Canon returned to the drawing-room. But the dog was still not satisfied. He tried the same trick again, but this time fruitlessly. The canon was not going again with him to the larder. What was Mori to do? And here comes the instance of reason in the poodle: Finding he could not prevail on the visitor to make a second excursion to the larder, he went out into the hall, took in his teeth the canon's hat from off the hall-table, and carried it under the shelf in the larder where the coveted beef lay out of his reach. There he was found, waiting for the owner of the hat, and expecting another savory bit when he should come for it.

By Professor IRA REMSEN.
CHEMISTRY owes a debt of gratitude to Pharmacy which she has for years been striving to repay. And when a disciple of the new science is called upon to address those who stand at the threshold of a career which will bind them to the old art, his thoughts naturally turn to the day when the occupations of the chemist and the pharmacist were united in one person—when all that was worth knowing of chemistry was mastered by the pharmacist, and the art of pharmacy was practiced by the chemist. We are far removed from that day now. Both the subjects once so intimately associated have developed to an enormous extent, and he would be a brave person who would attempt to make himself master of the lore of both pharmacy and chemistry. The term "chemist" has come to have a signification quite different from that which it once had, though it is used now, as of old, in two entirely distinct senses. There is, first, the chemist who makes use of facts already established for a variety of useful purposes, some of them of the greatest value to the human race. Such a one practices the art of chemistry. Then there is, in the second place, the chemist
- ↑ An address delivered in the Academy of Music, Baltimore, before the graduating class of the Maryland College of Pharmacy.