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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 23.djvu/864

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ences. His principal independent works are "Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen über die Verbreitensart der Cholera" ("Researches and Observations on the Way in which Cholera is spread," Munich, 1855); "Hauptbericht über die Choleraepidemie von 1854 in Bayern" ("Principal Report on the Cholera Epidemic of 1854 in Bavaria," Munich, 1857); "Ueber den Luftwechsel in Wohngebaüden" ("On Change of Air in Dwelling-Houses," Brunswick, 1858); "Die Atmosphärische Luft in Wohngebüauden" ("Atmospheric Air in Dwelling-Houses," Brunswick, 1858); "Cholera regulativ von Griesinger, P. und Wunderlich" ("Cholera regulation, by Griesinger, P. and Wunderlich," Munich, 1866); "Ueber Oelfarbe und Konservirung der Gemälde" ("On Oil-Colors and the Preservation of Pictures," Brunswick, 1869, second edition, 1872); "Verbreitungsart der Cholera in Indien" ("How the Cholera is spread in India," Brunswick, 1871); "Zur Ætiologie des Typhus" ("To the Etiology of Typhus," Munich, 1872); "Beziehungen der Luft zur Kleidung, Wohnung und Boden" ("Relations of the Air to the Clothing, the Dwelling, and the Soil," third edition, Brunswick, 1876); "Ueber den Werth der Gesundheit für eine Stadt" ("On the Value of Health to a City," Brunswick, 1873); "Ueber den Gegenwartigen Stand der Cholerafrage" ("On the Present Condition of the Cholera Question," Munich, 1873); "Kunftige Prophylaxis gegen Cholera" ("Future Prophylaxis against Cholera," Munich, 1875). With Buhl, Radlkofer, and Voit, he has published since 1876 the "Zeitschrift fur Biologie," or "Journal of Biology." Articles from him have been published in "The Popular Science Monthly" on the "Relations of the Air to our Clothing" (vol. x, p. 654); "Relation of the Air to our Houses" (vol. xi, p. 196); "Ground-Air in its Hygienic Relations" (vol. xi, p. 280); "Hygienic Influence of Plants" (vol. xii, p. 417); and the "Sanitary Relations of the Soil" (vol. xx, pp. 332, 468).

Dr. Pettenkofer is a member of long standing of the Academy of Sciences of Munich. In 1880 he received the Royal Order of the Crown.