into details about these numerous additions to the catalogue of diseases, to the stock of pathological ideas, and to the resources of treatment. The enumeration will serve to show that the alleged progress of medical science can be substantiated, if need be, by full particulars. It may be more generally interesting to give some account of the modern position of medical science of its precision, and of what its precision depends upon.
On the Characters of the Skull in the Hadrosauridæ; and on some Vertebrata from the Permian of Illinois. By E. D. Cope. Pp. 13, with Four Plates.
"Paleontological Bulletin," No. 36. First Addition to the Fauna of the Puerco-Eocene; On the Brains of the Eocene Mammalia Phenacodus and Periptychus; and Fourth Contribution to the History of the Permian Formation of Texas. By Professor E. D. Cope. Philadelphia: A. E. Foote.
Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Association held in Oshkosh, August 6-10, 1682. E. B. Heimstreet, Janesville, Secretary. Pp. 98.
Ætiology and Non-Infection of Sewer Gases. By Washington Ayer, M.D. San Francisco. 1883. Pp. 25.
Study of Neglected Lacerations of the Cervix Uteri and Perinæum. By Thomas A. Ashby, M.D. Baltimore, Md. Pp. 11.
The Nature of Heat and Gravity. By William Coutie. Troy, N.Y. 1883. Pp. 19.
Remarks on Hydrophobia. By Charles W. Dalles, M.D. Philadelphia. 1883. Pp. 12.
Third Annual Report of the Astronomer in Charge of the Horological and Thermometric Bureaus in the Observatory of Yale College, 1882-83. By Leonard Waldo. New Haven. 1883. Pp. 20.
Acute Articular Rheumatism. By E. O. Bardwell, M.D. Emporium, Pa. 1883. Pp. 7.
The Newport Natural History Society. Document 1. Newport, R.I. 1883. Pp. 15.
Signal-Service Notes, No. 4, The Use of the Spectroscope in Meteorological Observations. By Winslow Upton, A.M. Pp. 7. No. 5, Work of the Signal-Service in the Arctic Regions. Pp. 40. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1883.
Q. P. Indexes, No. XIII. An Index to Articles relating to History, Biography. Literature, Society, and Travel, contained in Collections of Essays. By W. M. Griswold, A.B. Bangor, U.S.A. Q. P. Index, Publisher. 1883. Pp. 56.
Pemphigus and the Diseases liable to bo mistaken for it. pp. 11; Hints on the Treatment of some Parasitic Skin Diseases, pp. 11; The Treatment of Various Forms of Acne. pp. 7. By George II. Kobe, M.D. Baltimore, Md.
"The American Psychological Journal." Edited by Joseph Fairish. M.O. Quarterly. Vol I, No. 2. July, 1888. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 112. $2 a year.
The Calendar of the Departments of Law, Science, and I. it nature of the University of Tokio, Japan. 1881-'82. Pp. 125.
Measurement of the Force of Gravity at Sapporo, Yesso. Published by the University of Tokio. 1882. Pp. 21.
Topics of the Time, No. 4. Historical Studies. Edited by Titus M. Coan. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1888. Pp. 205. 25 cents.
Hydraulic Tables for the Calculation of the Discharge through Sewers, Pipes, and Conduits. By P. J. Flynn, C.E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1883. Pp. 136. 50 cents.
Die körperlichen Eigenschaften der Japaner. Eine anthropologische Studie. (The Bodily Peculiarities of the Japanese. An Anthropological Study.) By Dr. Erwin Baelz. Yokohama: Press of the "Echo du Japon." Pp. 30.
Die Kupferlegirungen. ihre Darstellung und Verwendung bei den Volkern des Alterthums. (Copper Alloys, their Description and Application with the Peoples of Antiquity.) By Dr. E. Reyer. Vienna. Pp. 16.
Revista de Agricultura. (Review of Agriculture.) Nicomedes P. De Adan, Director. Monthly; August, 1883. Havana. Pp. 32.
Muster altitalienischer Leinenstickerei. (Pattern-Book of Old Italian Linen Embroidery.) Collected and edited by Frieda Lipperheide. Berlin: Franz Lipperheide. 2 vols. Pp. 32 and 36, with 22-30 Plates. 12 marks.
First Annual Report of the Board of Control of the New York State Experiment Station, for the Year 1882. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. 1883. Pp. 156.
Lessons in Qualitative Chemical Analysis. By Dr. F. Beilstein. St. Louis: St. Louis Stationery and Book Co. 1883. Pp. 164. $1.50.
Genesis. The Miracles and the Predictions according to Spiritism. By Allan Kardec. Boston: Colby & Rich. 1663. Pp. 488.
God and Creation. By Robert Reid Howison. Richmond: West, Johnson & Co. 1883. Pp. 578.
Photo-Micrographs and how to make them. By George M. Sternberg, M.D., F.R.M.S. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co. 1883. Pp. 204. Illustrated. $3.
Fifth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Connecticut, for the Fiscal Year ending November 30, 1882. Hartford: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. 1883. Pp. 456. Illustrated.
The American Association.—The thirty-second annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science was opened at Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 15th, with the usual forms. The welcoming addresses were made by the Governor of the State, the mayor of the city, and Dr. Folwell, President of the State University, in whose halls the sessions were held. The address of the retiring president, Professor Dawson, was delivered in the evening, after which the members of the Association were entertained at a citizens' reception. Professor William A. Rogers, Vice-President of the Section of Mathematics and Astronomy, read an address on the "German Survey of the Northern Heavens." Professor H. A. Rowland, of Baltimore, Vice-President of the Physical Section, made "A Plea for Pure Science," in a paper which was marked by many strong thoughts. Professor Hitchcock, of the Geological and