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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 23.djvu/891

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Letter, An Intercepted 115
Life, Cost of 202
Life, Cost of 409
Life, Microscopic, in the Air 28
Lightning-Rods 429
Literary Notices 123
Literary Notices 273
Literary Notices 416
Literary Notices 559
Literary Notices 709
Literary Notices 852
Liver-Fluke, The, of Sheep 741
Locusts as Food for Man 531
Logan, Sir William, LL.D., F.G.S., Sketch of 691
Lovett, Robert W. 362
Lunt, Horace 669
Lyle, David A., U.S.A. 531

McBride, Professor T. H. 468
McBride, Professor T. H. 634
McBride, R. W. 701
McFarland, R. W. 409
McGloin, Frank 553
Magnetic Storms and Sun-Spots, Recent 163
Malaria, Mosquitoes and 644
Man, Fossil, in America 137
Map-making, Primitive 682
Marriage and Divorce Laws, Our 224
Marriage and Divorce Laws, Our 663
Marriage and Divorce Laws, Our 701
Matter, Living and Not-Living 721
Measures, English and Metric 431
Medical Quacks and Quackeries 145
Mello, Rev. J. Magens, F.G.S. 180
Mendenhall, Professor T. C. 20
Merrick, E. T. 663
Meters for Power and Electricity 365
Microscopy as a Science 575
Monk's-hood, From Buttercup to 65
Moraine, The Glacial, in Pennsylvania 425
Mortality in London and New York, Curves of 717
Mosquitoes and Malaria 644
Mythology, Our Indian 527

Nationalities in New York City 569
Natural History, The New York State Museum of 139
Nature, The Remedies of 1
Nature, The Remedies of 187
Nature, The Remedies of 303
Nature, The Remedies of 477
Nature, The Remedies of 604
Nature, The Remedies of 760
New England Population, Changes in 433
Newton, Heber, and the Heresy-Hunters 271
New York City, Nationalities in 569
Niagara Falls as a State Park 140
Notes 144
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 720
Notes 863
Nursing, Modern, The Historical Development of 773

Olivier, Louis 28
One who has been Insane 627
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 1
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 187
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 303
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 477
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 604
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 699
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 760
Owen, Professor Richard, F.R.S., Sketch of 109

Patterson, J. S. 552