reader by ascertaining the bent of his tastes and the nature of the subjects in which he has the most living interest—and to the inducement in him of the habit of systematic and methodical reading. The other book is a selection of papers by different authors, having in part a similar bearing with relation to the children in schools; and, in part, showing how the library, properly used, may be made a most efficient auxiliary to the studies of the school.
Handsaws, their Use, Care, and Abuse. How to select, and how to file them. By Fred T. Hodgson. New York: The Industrial Publication Company. Pp. 96. Price, $1.
This is a book of practical information on matters relative to the qualities and manipulation of all kinds of handsaws, for the benefit of those persons, whether operative mechanics or amateurs, who use them; and it possesses a value to such to which its price bears a really small proportion. It is well illustrated; and a list of works referred to in the preface shows that a considerable literature on the subject exists in out-of-the-way places.
Studies in Logic. By Members of the Johns Hopkins University. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. Pp. 203. Price, $2.
The "Studies" are the work of students of the university, with one essay contributed by Professor C. S. Peirce at their request. Two of the papers present new developments of the logical algebra of Boole. Another paper relating to deductive logic develops those rules for the combination of relative numbers of which the general principles of probabilities are special cases. In another essay, Dr. Marquand shows how a counting-machine, or a binary system of numeration, will exhibit De Morgan's eight modes of universal syllogism. A second paper by Dr. Marquand explains the views of the Epicureans, known to us mainly through a fragment of the work of Philodemus. Professor Peirce's paper contains a statement of what appears to him to be the true theory of the inductive process, and the correct maxims for the performance of it. The neophyte who takes up these essays with the view of mastering them will find abundant occupation.
Deep Breathing. By Sophia Marquise A. Ciccolina. Translated from the German by Edgar S. Werner. New York: M. L. Holbrook & Co. Pp. 48.
The subject is considered as a means of promoting the art of song, and of curing weaknesses and affections of the throat and lungs, especially consumption. The author speaks from experience, having had her voice—a rare one for song—restored after she had lost it, by practice in deep breathing. We are told, in the preface to the present edition, that a class in deep breathing was formed in a certain sanitarium after reading one of the chapters of the book; as a result of a few weeks of practice in which, one young woman invalid increased the size of her chest three inches and greatly improved her health, and all received much benefit.
Books for the Young. A Guide for Parents and Children. Compiled by C. M. Hewins. New York: F. Leypoldt. Pp. 94.
A classified list of the books most suitable for boys and girls, including both children and youth of from ten to sixteen years of age. The author is librarian of the Hartford Library Association. The list is prefaced by a terse review of children's books in general; a number of suggestions on the right use of books; notices of the best works for children in English and American history; and a "symposium," in which are quoted the expressions of several authors and authorities on the reading best suited for children.
The Modern Sphinx, and some of her Riddles. By M. J. Savage. Boston: George H. Ellis. Pp. 160. Price, $1.
A volume of Sunday-morning sermons, of which the first six, constituting a series, deal particularly with the objects of life, business, and education. In the first sermon, "The Modern Sphinx" is made to propound the question, What is the end of man? The answer given is that, as the earth and heavens glorify God by being, man can glorify God only by being himself. To help him accomplish this perfectly, business, brains, and education should be used and sought, not for themselves only, but as means and aids to help him give himself the