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may be useful to students of forest science who have not access to the works quoted, by stating views that have been advanced and have required attention, and by citing statements bearing upon them in such form as to place readers in a position to work out for themselves the solution of problems raised. Much of the information was collected by the author during a journey in Finland and Scandinavia.

God out and Man in: or, Replies to Robert G. Ingersoll. By W. H. Platt, D. D., LL. D., Rector of St. Paul's Church, Rochester, New York. Rochester: Steel & Avery. Pp. 320.

As the title of this book sufficiently indicates, it is a polemic on the various issues between infidelity and Christianity, and is lively and interesting, and as decisive as such works usually are. It is, of course, not a systematic treatise in defense of Christianity, but takes up many objections that are urged by unbelievers. The form of the discussion favors explicitness of treatment, and is attractive to the reader. Various of Mr. Ingersoll's statements, put forth in his books and in his published lectures, are taken up as texts, and commented upon and replied to generally briefly, but sometimes with amplification. Dr. Platt is familiar with the recent forms of controversy which have arisen through the progress of science and the later aspects of philosophy, and he makes free and effective use of the arguments and concessions of eminent representatives of what is called the agnostic or materialistic school. The attention which he has given to this aspect of modern religious controversy enables him to handle it with unusual ability, and imparts to his volume perhaps its strongest claim to the reader's attention.


In our notice of Spencer's "Cyclopædia of Descriptive Sociology," which appeared in the October "Monthly," there occurs a misleading statement which it is desirable to rectify. Part III of that work, devoted to "Types of Lowest Races, Negritto Races, and Malayo-Polynesian Races," carelessly represents that the Negritto races and the Malayo-Polynesian races were specified as races meant by the title "Types of Lowest Races." This is incorrect. The title is meant to indicate three separate groups, of which "Types of the Lowest Races," including Fuegians, Veddahs, and Damans, constitute only the first. The other groups do not fall within this category; the Malayo-Polynesians, various of them, being quite high races both in type and civilization. It is desirable to avoid error and confusion in this important gradation.


The Classification, Training 1, and Education of the Feeble-Minded, Imbecile, and Idiotic. By Charles H. Stanley Davis, M.D. New York: E. Steiger & Co. Pp. 46.

Variations in Nature. By Thomas Meehan. Salem Press, Salem, Mass. Pp. 14.

Bureau of Education Circular: Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence, American Educational Association, 1883. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 81.

A Physician's Sermon to Young Men. By William Pratt. New York: M. L. Holbrook & Co. Pp. 48. 25 cents.

Das Studium der Staatwissensehaften in Amerika (The Study of the Political Sciences in America). By Dr. E. J. James. Jena: Gustav Fischer. Pp. 26.

The North-Atlantic Cyclones of August, 1883. By Lieutenant W. H. H. Southerland. U. S. Navy. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 22.

Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, December. 1882, and January, 1883. Pp. 36. The same, February and March, 1883. Pp. 32. Editor, Alexis A. Julien, School of Mines, Columbia College, New York.

Programme of Studies, No. 10 Gramercy Park, New York. Pp. 20.

Some Researches after Hæmoglobin. By Robert Saunders Henry, A. M., M. D., Charleston, W. Va. Pp. 7.

Quarterly Report, Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department, relative to Imports, Exports, Immigration, and Navigation. For Three Months ending June 30, 1883. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 112.

Incineration. By John D. Beugless. New York Cremation Society. Pp. 16.

On the Present Status of the Eccentricity Theory of Glacial Climate, pp. 8, and On the Origin and Hade of Normal Faults, pp. 5. By W. J. McGee.

Ueber das galvanische Verhalten der Amalgame des Zinkes und des Cadmiums (On the Galvanic Behavior of the Amalgams of Zinc and of Cadmium). By William L. Robb, A. B. Berlin: Gustav Schade. Pp. 31.

The Sun changes its Position in Space. By August Tischner. Leipzig: Gustav Fock. Pp. 37.

Evolution of the American Trotting-Horse. By Francis E. Nipher. Pp. 6.

Notes on American Earthquakes. By Professor C. G. Rockwood, Jr., Ph. D., Princeton, N. J. Pp. 8.

Description of a New Hydrobiinoid Gasteropod from the Mountain Lakes of the Sierra Nevada. By Robert E. C. Stearns. Pp. 6.

Cholera a Disease of the Nervous System. By John Chapman, M. D. London: J. & A. Churchill. Pp. 16.

Latitude, Longitude, and Time. By J. Anthony Bassett. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 42. 25 cents.