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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 24.djvu/874

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Prevention," by Frank S. Billings, V. S., Boston. The trichiniasis question, now a subject of congressional investigation, is fully discussed by the author, whose researches on this subject have been thorough and long continued. He has also compiled many valuable statistics having a direct bearing on the question, and which are contained in no other volume in the English language. The book should be read by all who have an interest in the settlement of this most important question.


The Correspondence University: Announcement for 1884, January. Ithaca, N. Y.: Lucien A. Wait. Pp. about 50.

Archaeological Excursions in Wisconsin and Ohio. By F. W. Putnam. Pp. 16.

Massachusetts Agricultural College: Twenty-first Annual Report. Boston: Wright and Potter Printing Company. Pp. 73.

Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic for February, with Supplement of 3 pages showing position and detail of floating wrecks.

Inaugural Addresses of Stephen A. Walker, President of Board of Education, etc., of the City of New York. Pp. 22.

Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kobalt,-Nickel,-und Eisen-Kiese. (Contribution to the Knowledge of Cobalt, Nickel, and Iron Stones.) By Leroy W. McCay, M. A. Freiberg (Saxony). Pp. 46.

Out-Door Relief, State of New York: Report of Standing Committee. Albany, N. Y. Pp. 15.

New York State Board of Charities: Report on Establishment of a State Asylum for Indigent Blind. Albany, N. Y. Pp. 9.

Value of the Nearctic as one of the Primary Zoölogical Regions: Reply to Criticisms. By Professor Angelo Heilprin. Philadelphia. Pp. 10.

Radiation: A Function of Gravity. By I. E. Craig. Camden, Ohio. Pp. 21.

Renal Circulation during Fever. By Walter Mendelson, M. D., of New York. Pp. 24.

Recent School-Law Decisions. By Lyndon A. Smith. Washington: U. S. Bureau of Education. Pp. 82.

Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Vol. IV, No. 4. Julius Pohlman. M. D., Corresponding Secretary. Buffalo, N. Y. Pp. 138.

Medico-Legal Society of New York: Inaugural Address of President Clark Bell, Esq., etc. Pp. 24.

Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station: Annual Report for 1883. New Haven, Conn. Pp. 120

Diccionario Tecnológico: Inglés-Españiol y Españiol-Inglés. (Technological Dictionary: English-Spanish and Spanish-English.) By Nestor Ponce de Leon. No. 5. New York: N. Ponce de Leon. Pp. 48. 50 cents.

"Reception-Day." No. 3. (Readings and Recitations.) Quarterly, No. 3. New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co. Pp. 152. 80 cents each; $1 a year.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: President's Report, 1883. Boston: J. S. Cushlng & Co. Pp. 31.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Annual Catalogue, etc., 1883-'84. Boston: George H. Ellis. Pp. 144.

The Book of Plant Descriptions and Record of Plant Analyses, etc. By George G. Groff, A. M., M. D. Lewisburg, Pa.: Science and Health Publishing Company. Pp. 100. 30 cents.

Absence of Design in Nature. By Professor H. D. Garrison. Chicago. Pp. 19.

Manual Training-School of Washington University, St. Louis: Annual Catalogue, 1883-'84. Pp. 42.

The Teaching of Drawing in Grammar-Schools. By Walter S. Perry. Boston: The Prang Educational Company. Pp. 26.

The World's Industrial Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans, Louisiana, to be opened in December, 1884: Announcement. Pp. 18.

"The Cornell University Register," 1883-'84 Ithaca, N. Y. Pp. 134.

Administrative Organization. By LL. B. Washington, D. C.: William H. Morrison. Pp. 108.

Woman Suffrage. By John George Hertwig. Pp 16. Sunday Laws. By John George Hertwig. Washington, D. C. Pp. 12. 10 cents each.

Reports of School Committee and of Superintendent of Schools of the City of Gloucester, Massachusetts, for 1883. Pp. 75.

Energy in Nature By William Lant-Carpenter. London, Paris, and New York: Cassell & Co. 1883. Pp. 212. $1.25.

Merv: A Story of Adventures and Captivity. By Edmund O'Donovan. New York: Funk & Wassails. 1884. Pp. 313. $1.

Martin Luther: A Study of Reformation. By Edwin D. Mead. Boston: George H. Ellis. 1884. Pp. 194. $1.25.

The Land Laws. By Frederick Pollock. London: Macmillan & Co. 1883. Pp. 215. $1.

Bleaching, Dyeing, and Calico-Printing. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. 1884. Pp. 203 $1.75.

Momu and the Diary of a Superstitious Man. By Ivan Turgenieff. Translated by Henry Gersoni. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. 1884. Pp. 131. 75 cents.

Prusias: A Romance of Ancient Rome. By Ernst Eckstein. Two vols. New York: William S. Gottsberger. 1884. Pp. 355 and 335.

Clavis Rerum. Norwich, Conn.: F. A. Robinson & Co. 1883. Pp. 142. $1.

Memorie and Reine. By Joaquin Miller. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. 1884. Pp. 237.

The Topographer: His Instruments and Methods. By Lewis M. Haupt, C. E. New York: J. M. Stoddart. 1883. Pp. 184. Illustrated.

"Patents and Inventions: A Quarterly Patent-Law Review." By Henry Connett and Arthur O. Fraser. Vol. I. New York: Burke, Fraser & Connett. 1884. Pp. 214.

First Annual Report of the Provincial Board of Health of Ontario. Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson. 1883. Pp. 187.

Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Educational Association of the United States, Session of 1883. Boston: J. E. Farwell & Co printers. 1884. Pp. 210.

Record of Family Faculties, consisting of Tabular Forms and Directions for entering Data, pp. 62. 90 cents; and Life-History Album. By Francis Galton, F. R. S. London: Macmillan & Co. 1884. Pp. 172. $1.25.

Bacteria. By Dr. Antoine Magnin and George M. Sternberg, M. D. New York: William Wood & Co. 1884. Pp. 454.

A System of Rhetoric. By C. W. Bardeen. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. 1884. Pp. 673. $1.50.

Life and Times of the Right Hon. John Bright. By William Robertson. London and New York: Cassell & Co. Pp. 668. $2.50.

The Unity of Nature. By the Duke of Argyll New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1884. Pp. 571. $2.50.