II is on "Conversation," and, besides directions for attaining the purposes of conversation, includes chapters which treat of elocution, etiquette, and the minor moralities of the subject. Under "Letter-Writing" letters are treated in the classes "of Friendship, of Courtesy, of Business, to Newspapers"; bad penmanship and allied sins are touched upon, and chapters on "Narration," "Description," and "Punctuation" are added. Then follow three forms of discourse, which, as the author remarks, need not be practiced by all persons. The chapters under "The Essay" treat of the subjects to which rhetorics generally are mainly devoted. Under "Oratory" are discussed "Eloquence, Argument, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Delivery." The treatment of "Figurative Language" is placed under "Poetry," together with a discussion of "What constitutes Poetry?" and a chapter on "Rhythm."
Energy in Nature. By William Lant Carpenter, B. A., B. Sc, F. C. S., etc. Illustrated. London, Paris, and New York: Cassell & Co., limited. Pp. 212. Price, $1.25.
There is a large and growing class of persons, who, while they do not care to make a close study of any special branch of physical science, yet desire to know what additions are being made to the knowledge of those general principles which underlie the phenomena of nature, and who desire also to understand how these principles are applied in the wonderful mechanical contrivances which they see multiplying about them. To this constituency Professor Carpenter has addressed the present volume, which contains, with some additions, the substance of a course of six lectures upon the "Forces of Nature and their Mutual Relations," delivered under the auspices of the Gilchrist Educational Trust, in the autumn of 1881. "The book may be shortly described," says the author, "as an endeavor to expound in popular yet accurate language the meaning and consequences of that important principle known as the conservation of energy. Considerable pains, however, have been taken, especially in dealing with electricity, to illustrate and explain the very latest developments of the subjects treated in the text, since the transformation of mechanical into electrical energy by the dynamo-machine is a remarkably good example of the general principle." The illustrations used in presenting the subject are generally "matters of common experience," and hence many interesting explanations have found their way into the volume.
A Defense of Modern Thought: In Reply to a Recent Pamphlet by the Bishop of Ontario on "Agnosticism." By William D. Le Sueur, B. A. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & Co. Pp. 40. Price, 15 cents.
We printed a portion of this masterly pamphlet last month, and the interest it has excited on the part of many to see the whole of the argument makes desirable this further reference to it. Everybody should be obliged to the lord bishop for having printed his discourse, not because of any value it had in itself, but because of the ability of the reply it elicited. Mr. Le Sueur's exposition needs no praise, but we applaud his fidelity to duty in so effectually exposing the weakness of the bishop's case, and then in printing the criticism at his own expense, as probably the publishers thought it would be no speculation for them. Let every one who was gratified with the fragment we furnished, and interested to see the remainder, send a dollar to the publishers to get as many of the pamphlet as it will bring. Extra copies will be excellent to give away.
A Plea for the Cure of Rupture. By Joseph H. Warren, A, M., M. D. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co. Pp. 117, with Plates. Price, parchment, $1.
The essay which gives the title to this book—"A Plea for Operative Measures for the Relief and Cure of Hernia"—was a paper read before the meeting at Liverpool of the British Medical Association, and is published, with very slight alterations, as it originally appeared in the Association's journal. A chapter is given on tissue-repair, with a brief summary of the application and operation of the method of subcutaneous injection. An account of the new conformateur for showing the contour of hernia, etc., a paper on the causation of hernia, and a paper on the proper fitting and wearing of trusses, etc., have been contributed by fellow-physicians of the author.