lack of proper appliances, but he never allowed these drawbacks to lower the character of his work. When Princeton's day of prosperity came, he showed that he knew how to apply money wisely, as before he had been able to do grand work without it. The system of scientific expeditions to the West, which has so greatly stimulated the study of natural science at Princeton, and added so greatly to the treasures of her museums, was organized under his direction; and the wonderful growth of all the departments of natural science in the college must be in very large measure attributed to the wisdom and foresight of Guyot.
The visible monument of Guyot's work in Princeton will always be the Museum of Geology and Archaeology. He expended with consummate skill the sums placed at his disposal by generous friends, and organized an enthusiastic corps of workers, so that a superb series of collections has been gathered. Thus in every department of activity his influence has been of the utmost service to Princeton in particular, and to American science in general.
But even this brief and imperfect sketch can not close without some testimony to his noble and exalted character, modest, unselfish, and devoted. "He never seemed to be thinking of himself, but always of his subject and his hearers. He cared very little for fame, very much for the study of Nature and the education of man."[1] An earnest and consistent Christian throughout his life, he was ever charitable and tender, never indulging in acrimonious criticism or denunciation of those who differed even most widely from him. Always liberal, he sympathized with and appreciated honest opinion on whatever side it was uttered. He was remarkable for "the beauty in his daily life as well as for his nobly finished work." There is little cause for grief in the quiet close of such a splendid, useful, and complete career as this; nevertheless, we must mourn our irreparable loss, sorrowing most of all that we shall see his face no more.
- ↑ "Science," loc. cit.