if they be complicated with dilatation, elevation is contraindicated. Many cases of nasal and pharyngeal catarrh do admirably here, and deafness, arising from chronic catarrh of the middle ear, is frequently cured. In general, Colorado will be found to be an admirable resort for enfeebled and debilitated persons who need rest, change of scene, and general "toning up."
It has become a by-word that there are two classes of persons who come to Colorado—those who come to get health, and those who come for wealth. We think that the former more often realize their anticipations, and, having found a new interest in life, in consequence of their return to health, they show their appreciation and gratitude by remaining in the air and sunshine that have made "life new around them." How often one hears the expression, "I owe everything to Colorado air," it is impossible to say; but so large a class of our population have sought and found a restoration of health here, that one can not refrain from carrying the good tidings to the thousands upon thousands in the East who are seeking wherewith they may be cured.
ASSUMING that the Being worthy of the highest adoration in heaven and on earth must be incomprehensible, and that his will and ways must be past finding out, no conceivable symbol can be final, or can be either satisfactory or helpful, except in a period of immaturity; and hence nothing can be more necessary than a new faith, or more reasonable than its confident and constant expectation; and that which is now dawning on the Christian world is doubtless destined to have its day. They who have toiled hard and borne the heat and labor of the preceding day and feel the need of rest, and they who dislike the dawn and love to slumber until noon, will be more annoyed than gratified by the light of this new morning; but they who are up with the rising sun will be delighted with the dispersing darkness and the increasing brightness, and with the new beauties and the fresh fragrance of the clearer light and higher life.
Thus far in its presentation the New Theology is reformatory rather than revolutionary in its teachings and tendencies. It accepts the nomenclature of the Old, but shades or expands its definitions so as to accord with the subtiler experiences and the enlarged observations of the age; and it maintains the dogmatic statements of the Old, but modifies their exposition so as to bring them into harmony with the laws and processes of being. It affirms with the Old that faith is the basis of salvation and of all deliberate activity, but it gives no