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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 25.djvu/536

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or, as I would rather say, of evading them under the cover of a conventional phrase.

I am making a few experiments which promise to afford an explanation of the changes above described, without invoking the aid of any invisible atoms or molecules, or anything else beyond the reach of our simple senses, and will communicate the results in my next paper.—Knowledge,



I HAVE never bought any trained monkeys, but, in my experiments in domesticating wild ones, have always treated my animals with the greatest care, and chosen moral rather than physical means of discipline. The relations between the monkey and his master ought to be friendly, and, when the first causes for fear and motives to anger have been suppressed, there will remain on the animal's part only feelings of respect. He will recognize his inferiority to man, and will respect him without fear. These lively and nervous animals, abruptly torn from their native wilds, to be shut up and treated in an unnatural manner, preserve in captivity their good-humor and intelligence to a remarkable degree.

The monkeys I have kept have been both of New World and Old World species. The last are the more intelligent.

In April, 1873, I received a young male of rhesus (Macacus erythrœus, or rhesus), well tamed, and weighing about three pounds and three quarters, but coming to me with a cold and in a very thin and dejected condition. His hair was lusterless, short, and all off in spots, while his tail was quite bare. He had, although a male, received the name of Molly, and answered to it readily. I did not change it. I gave him a cage large enough for him to turn around in freely, and to afford ample room for all the manifestations of his sanguine and nervous temperament. A few days after he came, I allowed him a brief promenade in the room. Without disturbing anything, he posted himself at a window, whence he could look at the passers-by. His conduct was so rational that I determined to extend his promenade, and shut him up only while I was away. This liberty, the constant intercourse with persons who caressed him as much as he would let them instead of teasing him, the quiet of his surroundings, and the removal of every feared and exciting object, exercised a decisive and favorable influence on his mental and physical development.

His attachment to me was extreme. He was near me all day, and followed me around like a faithful dog. When I hid away from him or shut a door in his face, he would cry and try to open the door with