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Degeneration the Law of Disease. By L. A. Merriam, M. D. Omaha, Neb.

"The Foreign Eclectic." Part I. French; Part II, German. Pp. 32, each part; monthly. Philadelphia: "Foreign Eclectic Company." 25 cents a part, $2.50 a year for single part, $4 for both parts.

Monsignor Capel's Rejoinder to the Reply of the Rev. J. H. Hopkins, D.D. New York and Cincinnati: F. Pustet & Co. Pp. 74. 25 cents.

Progress in Education. By Mrs. H. F. Wilson. Mobile, Ala. Pp. 12.

What we know of Cholera, etc. By Frank H. Hamilton, M.D. Pp. 27.

A Spectro-Photometric Study of Pigments. By Edward L. Niches, Ph.D. Pp. 7.

Osteology of Numenius Longirostris. By Dr. K. W. Shufeldt, U.S. Army. Pp. 32, with Plates.

Biographical Notice of Sir William Siemens. By George W. Maynard. Pp. 16.

Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Treasurer’s Report for 1884. Pp. 57.

Progress of Chemistry in 1883. By Professor H. Carrington Bolton. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 31.

Addenda to the Bibliography of Hyper-Space and Non-Euclidean Geometry. By G. B. Halstead. Pp. 6.

Simple and Uniform Method of obtaining Taylor's, Cayley's, and Lagrange's Series. By J. C. Glashan. Ottawa, Canada. Pp. 15.

Allan Dare and Robert le Diable. By Admiral Porter. In Nine Parts. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. about 96. 25 cents each part.

Thermometer Exposure. By H. M. Paul. Detroit, Mich.: W. H. Burr & Co. Pp. 8.

Proposed Plan of a Sewerage System, etc., in Providence, R.I. By Samuel M. Gray. City Document. Pp. 140, with Plates.

Diceionario Tecnológico (Technolorical Dictionary), English-Spanish. By Nestor Ponce de Leon. No. 9. New York: N. Ponce do Leon. Pp. 64, Price 50 cents.

Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Électriciens (Bulletin of the Belgian Society of Electricians), Nos. 1, 2, 3. Brussels: C. Ed. Père. Pp. 131.

Contributions to the Tertiary Geology and Paleontology of the United States. By Angelo Heilprin. Philadelphia: The author. Pp. 117, with Map.

T Lucreti Carl de Berum Naturn. With Introduction and Notes by Francis W. Kelsey. Boston: John Allyn. Pp. 385. $1.75.

Elements of Chemistry. By Professor Sydney A. Norton. Cincinnati and New York: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. Pp. 504.

Prehistoric America. By the Marquis de Nadaillac. Translated by N. D'Anvers. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 566. $5.

"Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine." Vol. XXXI, pp. 524.

Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry. By a Book-keeper. New York: D. Appleton &, Co. Pp. 100.

A Text-Book of Hygiene. By George II. Rohé, M.D. Baltimore: Thomas Evans. Pp. 324.

The Ornithologist and Oölogist. Vol. IX, 1884. Pawtucket, R.I.: Frank B. Webster. Pp. 152.

Correspondence and Diaries of John Wilson Croker, F.R.S. Edited by Louis J. Jennings. Two volumes. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 584 and 572, with Portrait. Price $5.

In the Lena Delta. By George W. Melville. U.S.N. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 497, with Maps and Illustrations. $2.50.

United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries Report, 1882. Washington: Government Printing-Offlce. Pp. 1101, with Plates.

Bureau of Ethnology, Second Annual Report, 1880-'81. By J. W. Powell, Director. Washington: Government Printing-Offlce. Pp. 477, with Plates.

Basic Pathology and Specific Treatment of Diphtheria, etc. By (George J. Ziegler. M.D. Philadelphia: G. J. Ziegler, M.D. Pp. 225. $2.

Science in Song. By William C. Richards. Boston: Lee & Shepard; New York: C. T. Dillingham. Pp. 131.

The Human Body. By H. Newell Martin and Henry Cary Martin. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 261. 90 cents.

Representative British Orations, with Introduction and Explanatory Notes. By Charles Kendall Adams. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, Three volumes. Pp. 318, 308, 376. $3.75.


The Loss of the Lapham Collection.—One of the most serious losses in the recent fire at the Wisconsin State University was the scientific collection made by Dr. I. A. Lapham, and purchased after his death by the State. It consisted of a cabinet containing fossils, minerals, shells, meteorites, and Indian antiquities, 10,000 specimens in all, besides duplicates for exchange; an herbarium of 24,000 specimens, belonging to 8,000 species; and a library of about 1,500 books, pamphlets, and maps. Among the books were many rare volumes. The geological specimens included a large number of fossils peculiar to American formations, and a full series of rocks and fossils illustrating in perfect order and with perfect clearness the geology of Wisconsin. The herbarium embraced the whole range of the vegetable kingdom, with a similar treatment for all examples from the highest to the lowest. Many of the specimens were obtained by exchange from the most eminent botanists in America, England, France, and Germany.

Flowering Plants as Ozone-Generators.—Dr. J. M. Anders has published, in the "American Naturalist," descriptions of experiments he has made in the relations of plant-growth with the generation of ozone. Among the conclusions he has reached are, that the leaves have nothing to do with the production, but that the function resides with the flower; that it lies predominantly ill odorous flowers, inodorous flowers being poor generators; and that sunlight, or at least good diffused light, is essential to the production. Hence, it is inferred, during fair weather all flowering vegetation is con-