Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 26.djvu/668

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minutes, and have ceased to exist in a further period of the same duration.

In Fig. 5 there is shown a view of the portable lethal chamber ready for use. It takes the shape of a closed truck on two wheels, and movable like a truck or barrow. It measures five feet in length, is two feet wide, and two feet six inches high. It moves very easily,

Fig. 5.—Portable Lethal Chamber.

and can be managed by one man. It is constructed, like the large lethal chamber, of well-seasoned wood, in double wall, with sawdust filling up the interspace. In Fig. 6 the apparatus is shown in section. There is one large chamber, having a capacity of nine cubic feet. The chamber opens at the top by a strong lid, swung from behind, which.

Fig. 6.—Section of Portable Lethal Chamber.

when brought down, entirely closes it up. Under this lid there is a frame with an opening in the center, through which baskets or cages of different sizes, and containing the animal or animals, can be let