"The Journal of Mycology," Vol. I, No. 1, January, 1885, W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., J. 13. Ellis, and B. M. Everhart, editors. Manhattan, Kansas. Monthly. Pp. 16. Price, $1 a year; single numbers 15 cents.
The "Journal" is devoted exclusively to mycological botany, and, while giving special attention to descriptions of North American species of fungi, will publish accounts of the current literature pertaining to the subject. The present number contains original descriptions of twelve new fungi from Kansas and fifteen from Iowa, with notices of "North American Geasters," and of other fungi of Kansas.
Notes on the Progress or Mineralogy in 1884. By H. Carvill Lewis. Philadelphia:
Professor Lewis is in the habit of preparing, as chief in that editorial department, monthly summaries for "The American Naturalist," of the discoveries and new ideas in mineralogy. The present pamphlet is the collection of all of these summaries that appeared during 1884, and presumably includes all that occurred worthy of special notice, in mineralogical research, during the year.
Mind in Medicine. By Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol, D. D. New York: M. M. Holbrook. Pp. 39. Price, 25 cents.
This pamphlet embodies the substance of two sermons preached by the author on successive Sundays extolling the value of a sound mind as an element of health, and the virtue of mental remedies for disease. "Bodily strength, fresh color in the cheeks, more alert steps, and cheerier tones," says he, "are revelations of mind shining through the body. . . . You sail for Porto Rique! Well, a person not airy, but atmospheric, may be a warmer climate, relieving your ailments better than that island, or Mentone, Pau, or St. Augustine."
"Babyhood," December, 1884. Leroy M. Yale, M. D., and Marion Harland, Editors. 18 Spruce Street, New York. Pp. 32. Price, 15 cents a number; $1.50 a year.
"Babyhood" is devoted exclusively to the care of infants and young children, and the general interests of the nursery. Its purpose is to become a medium for the dissemination of the best thought of the time on all subjects connected with the needs of the child, embracing in its scope the period from the day of birth to the age when the nursery is supplanted by the school-room. There is certainly a place for such a magazine.
Sex In Mind and in Education. By Henry Maudsley, M. D. Syracuse, N. Y.: 0. W. Bardeen. Pp. 86. 15 cents.
Calisthenics and Disciplinary Exercises. By E. V. De Graff. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 39.
University of Nebraska. Seventh Biennial Report of the Board of Regents. Pp. 32. The Chancellor's Report. Pp. 75. Lincoln, Neb.
State Inspector of Oils, Minnesota. Special Report on Illuminating Quality. By Henry A. Castle, State Inspector. St. Paul. Pp. 24.
Building for the Children in the South. By Rev. A. D. Mayo. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 16.
Cremation scientifically and religiously considered. By Henry Houston Bonnell. Philadelphia: D. C. Chalfant. Pp. 13.
Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History. Edited by Francis W. Cragin. Vol. I, No. 2. Topeka, Kansas. Pp. 84, with Two Plates. 20 cents.
An Account of the Progress of Anthropology in the Year 1883. By Professor Otis T. Mason. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 43. Anthropological Notes in the "American Naturalist." By Professor Otis T. Mason.
Commissioners for the Erection of the Public Buildings, Philadelphia. Report for 1884. Pp. 82.
Supplemental Report of the Railroad Commission, Tennessee. John R. Savage, Chairman. Nashville: A. B. Tavel. Pp. 31.
"The Medical Analectic." Monthly. Walter S. Wells, M. D., Editor. January, 1885. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 48, $2.50 a year.
Illinois State Board of Health. Report of Proceedings. Springfield, 111. Pp. 19.
Catalogue of the New Orleans Exhibit of Economic Entomology. By Charles V. Riley. Washington: Judd & Detweiler. Pp. 95.
Report of the Entomologist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, for 1884. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 150.
Message of John M. Hamilton, Governor of Illinois. Springfield: H. W. Rokker. Pp. 21.
Evolution. By George D. Armstrong. Norfolk, Va. Pp. 22.
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Report for 1884. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, State Printers. Pp. 130.
A Correlation Theory of Color Perception. By Charles A. Oliver. Philadelphia. Pp. 29.
Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind. Third Annual Catalogue. Pp. 33.
A Study of the Nutritive Value of Branny Foods. By N. A. Randolph, M. D. and A. E. Roussel, M. D. Philadelphia, Pp. 20.
Contributions from the Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College. By Charles A. Maybery and others. Pp. 16.
The Geology of Bermuda. By William North Rice. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 82, with Plates.