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Eocene of North America. Pp. 16. The Position of Pterichthys. Pp. 6. Evolution of the Vertebrata. Pp. So. Marsh on American Jurassic Dinosaurs. Pp. 2. The Amblypoda. Pp. 38. All by Professor E. D. Cope.

Standards of Stellar Magnitudes. Report of Committee A. A. A. Si. Pp. 2.

Proceedings of the State Board of Health of Kentucky, March. 1885. Pp. 32.

Gold and Silver Conversion Tables. Pp. 8. Elevations in the Dominion of Canada. Pp. 48. Fossil Faunas of the Upper Devonian. Pp. 36. On Mesozoic Fossils Pp. 36. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley at New Orleans. Pp. 21.

On Color. By Colonel James W. Abert. Pp. 24. Ancient Aztec or Mexican Method of computing Time. By Colonel James W. Abert. Pp. 30.

State Sanitary Survey. Illinois State Board of Health.

Disinfection and Disinfectants. Preliminary Report, American Public Health Association. Pp. S. Batteries. Pp. 24. with Plates. Machinery and Mechanical Appliances. Pp. 12. Reports, International Electrical Exhibition.

The Instruments and Work of Astronomy. By Asaph Hall. Pp. ID.

Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States (U. S. Geological Survey). Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 325.

Herbert Spencer's Philosophy as culminated in his Ethics. By James McCosh. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 71. Price, 50 cents.

The Diamond Lens, with other Stories. By Fitz-James O'Brien. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 337. Price, 50 cents.

"American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb." E. A. Fay, Editor. Vol. XXX, No. 1. Quarterly. Washington, D. C. Pp. 92. Price, $2 a year.

"Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington, D. C. Vol. VII. Pp. 135.

Osteology of Ceryle Alcyon. By R. W. Shufeldt. Pp. 16, with Plates

Forests of the Adirondacks. Report of Brooklyn Constitutional Club. Pp. 11.

The Limits of Stability of Nebulous Planets. By Professor Daniel Kirkwood. Pp. 10.

The Morals of Christ By Austin Bierbower. Chicago: Colegrove Book Company. Pp. 200. Price, 53 cents and $1.

The Six Nations. By Judge Daniel Sherman. Jamestown, N. V.: Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Science. Pp. 23.

Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus. Report for 1884. William R. Lazenby, Director. Pp. 210.

School Bulletin Year-Book of the State of New York for 1385. By C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 160.

The Eroding Power of Ice. Pp. 12. The Deposition of Ores Pp IT. Cy J. S. Newberry. Hew York: John Wiley & Sons.

Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Wisconsin, March, 1885. Pp. 40.

Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian Dispute. By Theodore F. Rodenbough, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 139, with Map. Price, 50 cents.

Many Drugs, Few Remedies. By George T. Welch, M. D. Pp. 12.

On Oxygen as a Remedial Agent. By Samuel 8. Wallian, M. D., New York. Pp. 52.

Tableau de Diverges Vitesses (Table of Different Speeds). By James Jackson. 446 Broome Street, New York. Pp. 8.

Geographical Society of Paris. Comptes Rendus, January 23, 1885. Pp. 40.

Recent American Socialism. By Richard T. Ely, Ph. D. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 74. Price, 75 cents.

Australian Group Relations. By A. W. Hewitt. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 28.

Miscellaneous Pages on Anthropology. Smithsonian Report, 1883. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 122.

Architecture simplified. Chicago: George W. Ogilvie. Pp. 75. Price, 25 cents.

Typhoid Fever and Low Water in Wells. By Henry B. Baker, M. D., Lansing, Michigan. Pp. 24.

The Jenner of America. By W. M. Welch, M. D., Philadelphia. Pp. 32.

Why don't He lend a Hand? and other Agnostic Poems. By Samuel P. Putnam. New York: "Truth Seeker" Company. Pp. 16.

The Religion of Humanity better than Eternal Punishment. By M. Babcock. New York: "Truth Seeker" Company. Pp. 86. Price, 10 cents.

The Distribution of Canadian Forest-Trees. By A. T. Drummond. Montreal: Dawson Brothers. Pp. 15.

Bureau of Labor, Michigan. Second Annual Report Lansing. Pp. 445.

National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings at the Eleventh Annual Session, St. Louis. Pp. 433.

Descriptive America. Georgia. New York: George H. Adams & Son. Pp. 32, with Maps. Price, 50 cents.

Prehistoric Fishing in Europe and America. By C. Rau, Washington. Pp. 842.

Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Edward C. Pickering, Director. Vol. XIV, Parts I and II. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son. Pp. 512.

Anales de la Oficina Meteorológica Argentina (Annals of the Argentine Meteorological Office). By Benjamin A. Gould. Vol. IV. Buenos Ayres. Pp. 599.

Origin of Species. Pp 76. Offices of Electricity in the Earth. Pp. 42. By H. B Philbrook, 21 Park Row, New York.

Notes from the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. By N. A. Randolph, M. D., and Samuel G. Dixon. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 880.

How to drain a House. By George E. Waring, Jr. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 222. Price, $1.25.

Geology of the Virginias. By the late William Barton Rogers. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 832, with Charts.

An Introduction to Practical Chemistry. By John E. Bowman. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 248. Price, $2.

The Microtomist's Vade-Mecum. By Arthur Bolles Lee. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 424. Price, $3.

Hegel's Æsthetics. By J. S. Kedney. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 302. Price, $1.25.

The Protestant Faith. By D. H Olmstead. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 77. Price, 50 cents.

The Sun and his Phenomena. By the Rev. T. W. Webb. New York: Industrial Publication Company. Pp. 80. Price, 40 cents.

Lessons in Hygiene. By John C. Cutter. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 189. Price, 50 cents.

Organic Chemistry. By Ira Remsen. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Co. Pp. 364. Price, $1.30.

The Nature of Mind and Human Automatism. By Morton Prince, M. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 173. Price, $1.50.

Easter Cards. New York: Raphael Tuck & Sons.