carved lines, describing the outline of a mammoth. In 1881 he sold it in a lump with his other specimens to Mr. James Paxon, for the round sum of $2.50. Shortly afterward, a smaller fragment was found, which, joined to the former one, completed the gorget, and also the design of a party of Indians hunting a mammoth. The question necessarily arises, Is the stone with its tracings a genuine aboriginal relic? It is a very important one in American archaeology. There appears no reason to doubt the entire honesty of all the persons who arc known to have handled the specimen. Unfortunately, the stone itself is not capable of giving evidence; for it was not seen, scientifically, till it had been cleaned two or three times, and its possessors had scratched over the lines to make them plainer. Its occurrence where it was discovered is unaccountable if it is not genuine. It has been submitted to experts in aboriginal relics, and they have expressed different opinions respecting it. Three other carved stones have very recently been found on the same farm, the examination of which and their comparison with this one may throw some light on the subject. Mr. Mercer presents the evidence on both sides with seeming impartiality, but evidently believes in the genuineness of the stone.
Report of the Assistant Director of the U. S. National Museum, for 1383. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1885. Pp. 200.
The Coöperative Commonwealth. By Laurence Gronland. Boston: Lee & Shepard. 1834. Pp. 278. Cloth, $1.
"The Museum: An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Young Naturalists and Collectors." Edwin A. Barber, Editor. May, 1885. 1220 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Pp. 16. 15 cents a copy; $1.50 a year.
"Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical Medicine and Scientific Information." Monthly. Chicago: Cosmic Publishing Company. March, 1885. Pp. 16. $1 a year.
Experimental Investigation of the Reactions of Various Copper Salts with Grape-Sugar. By George Hay, M. D. 1885. Pp. 6.
American Languages, and why we should study them. By Daniel G. Brinton, M. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1885. Pp. 23.
The Imported Elm-Leaf Beetle. Bulletin No. 6, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1385. Pp. 13. Illustrated.
Revolution in the Practice of Medicine. By John P. Bonron, M. D. Chicago: Review Printing and Publishing Company. 1885. Pp. 55. 25 cents.
A Catalogue of Chemical Periodicals. By H. Carrington Bolton, Ph. D. Author's edition. 1885. Pp. 58.
Luck of a Wandering Dane. By Hans Lykkejaeger. Philadelphia: Matlack & Harvey, Printers. 1385. Pp. 130. 25 cents.
The Crime of Poverty. An Address delivered at Burlington, Iowa, April 1, 1885. By Henry George. Pp. 15.
Population by Ages. Baltimore. 1885. Pp. 30.
The Life of an Oyster. By Professor Samuel Lock wood. Ph. D. New York. 1885. Pp. 12.
Thirteenth Annual Report of the Directors of the Zoological Society of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1885. Pp. 16.
Address delivered at the Convocation of McGill University, April 30. 1835. By Professor D. P. Penhallow, B. Sc. Pp. S.
Bacterial Pathology. A Series of Papers on the Exhibits at the Biological Laboratory of the Health Exhibition. Reprint from the London "Lancet." New York: The Industrial Publication Company. 1885. Pp. 43. 25 cents.
"The Sanitary Monitor; a Monthly Journal devoted to Individual, Family, and Public Health." Edited by J. F. Winn, M. D. Richmond, Va. Pp. 14. $1 a year.
Bureau of Education: Planting Trees in School Grounds, and the Celebration of Arbor Day, pp. 64; and City School Systems in the United States, pp. 207. Washington: Government Printing-office. 1885.
Ovulation and Menstruation considered in their Physiological Relations. By Franklin Townsend, M. D. Albany: Burdick &, Taylor, printers. 1385. Pp. 18.
Scarlet Fever. By T. G. Comstock, M. D. New York. 1885. Pp. 19.
The Taensa Grammar and Dictionary: A Deception exposed. By D. G. Brinton, M. D. From "American Antiquarian." Pp. 4.
Clinical Studies of the Incipient Stages of Inebriety. By T. D. Crothers, M. D. 1885. Pp. 12.
On the Acquisition of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Plants. By W. O. Atwater. Pp. 24.
On the Vanadates and Iodyrite from Lake Valley, New Mexico. By F. A. Genth and Gerhard von Rath. 1385. Pp. 13.
A Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Edited by George Grove. Part XX. Macmillan & Co. 1885. $1.
Recent American Socialism. By Richard F. Ely, M. D. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. 1385. Pp. 74.
On the Evidence that the Earth's Interior is solid. By Dr. M. E. Wadsworth. Pp. 24.
History and Management of the Land Grants for Education in the Northwest Territory. By George W. Knight, Ph. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1835. Pp. 175. $1.
Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. II, 1883. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1884.
The Figure of the Earth. By Frank C. Roberts, C. E. New York: D. Van Nostrand. 1885. Pp. 95. 60 cents.
Photo-Micrography. By A. Cowley Malley. London: H. K. Lewis. 1885. Pp. 169.
The True and Romantic Love-Story of Colonel and Mrs. Hutchinson: A Drama in Verse. By J. Antisell Allen. London, E. C: Elliot Stock. Pp. 88.
The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte. By Edward Caird, LL. D. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1885. Pp. 249. $1.75.
The Chemistry of Cookery. By W. Mattieu Williams. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1885. Pp. 328. $1.50.
Outlines of Psychology. By Hermann Lotze. Translated, with a Chapter on the Anatomy of the Brain, by C. L. Herrick. Minneapolis, Minn.: S. M. Williams. Pp. 15. Illustrated.