Students' Songs. Compiled and edited by W. N. Hills. Cambridge, Mass.: Moses King. Pp. 60. 50 cents.
Tornado Studies for 1884. By John P. Finley. (Signal-Service Paper.) Washington: Government Printing-Office. Text and Plates.
Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals. 1665 to 1882. By H. Carrington Bolton. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 778.
Theory and Practice of Teaching. By Rev. Edward Thring, M.A. New and revised edition. Cambridge: University Press. 1885. Pp. 262. $1.
The Manual of Phonography. By Benn Pitman and Jerome B. Howard. Cincinnati: Phonographic Institute. 1885. Pp. 144.
The Devil's Portrait. By Anton Giulio Barrili. From the Italian. By Evelyn Wodehouse. New York: W. 8. Gottsberger. 1885. Pp. 312. 75 cents.
On Teaching: Its Ends and Means. By Henry Calderwood, LL.D., F.R.S.E. Third edition. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1885. Pp. 126. 50 cents.
The Treatment of Opium Addiction. By J. B. Mattison, M.D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1885. Pp. 49. 50 cents.
Cholera. Its Origin, History, Causation, Symptoms, Lesions, Prevention, and Treatment. By Alfred Stillé, M.D. Philadelphia: Lea, Brothers & Co. 1885. Pp. 164.
Magneto- and Dyamo-Electric Machines. From the German of Glaser De Cew. By F. Krohn; and specially edited, with many Additions, by Paget Higgs, LL.D. London: Symons & Co. 1884. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 301.
The Windmill as a Prime Mover. By Alfred R. Wolff, M.E. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1885. Pp. 159. $3.
Life of Frank Buckland. By George C. Bompas. With a Portrait. London: Smith, Elder & Co. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. 1885. Pp. 433. $2.
Annual Report of the Operations of the Life-Saving Service for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1884. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1885. Pp. 476.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Vol. VII. 1884. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1885. Pp. 661.
Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka. Nevada. By Joseph Story Curtis. (Monographs of the U.S. Geological Survey. Vol. VII.) Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1885. Pp. 200. 16 Plates. $1.10.
Industrial Education in Common Schools.—Mr. B. B. Huntoon recently read a paper before the "Conversation Club" of Louisville, Kentucky, on "Industrial Education," in which he advocated the introduction of the Russian system into the public schools. This system does not aim to teach the practical exercise of particular arts, but only so to train the eye and hand to the execution of designs and the use of tools that the pupil may be qualified to take up readily what-ever art he may afterward choose to follow. The system, in its most essential features, has already been tried successfully in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Washington University, at St. Louis; Purdue University; Illinois University; Tulane University, New Orleans; and in industrial schools in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York city; and in Boston and Gloucester, Massachusetts, and Montclair, New Jersey, the experiment has been tried of incorporating a course of industrial training upon the city schools. Mr. Huntoon believes that the people are ready to be taxed for such a purpose; that there will be no difficulty in finding teachers; and that the scheme is entirely practicable.
The Pittsburg Natural Gas-Wells.—According to the account recently given by Mr. Andrew Carnegie to the Iron and Steel Institute, the principal district in which the natural gas-wells near Pittsburg are found, the Murraysville field, lies to the northeast of that city, running southward from it toward the Pennsylvania Railroad. Nine wells had been sunk there last fall, and were yielding gas in large quantities. Gas has been found in a belt averaging about half a mile in width for a distance of between four and five miles. Beyond this a point is reached where salt-water flows into the wells and drowns the gas. The gas-fields of Washington County are about twenty miles from the city, swinging round toward the south-west. Four wells are now yielding gas in this district, but are not, perhaps, so strongly charged as those of the Murraysville district, and others are being drilled. Still farther to the west is another gas territory, from which manufacturing works in Beaver Falls and Rochester receive their supply. Next is the Butler gas-field, as far from Pittsburg on the northwest as are the Washington County wells on the southwest. Next, on the Allegheny River, is the Tarentum district, still about twenty miles from Pittsburg, which is supplying a considerable portion of the gas used. Thus, within a circle around Pittsburg having a radius of fifteen or twenty miles, there are four distinct gas-producing districts. Several wells have been bored within the city; but, though they all yielded gas, it has been drowned out by the rush of salt-water. While the largest well known yields about 30,000,000 cubic feet of gas in twenty-four hours, the average product of a good well may be set at about