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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 27.djvu/792

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been put into operation, it thereby inaugurated an Employés' Relief Association, which was subsequently incorporated by special act of the Legislature of Maryland, June 3, 1882.

The Baltimore and Ohio board of directors, by a resolution guaranteeing the absolute fulfillment of all the promises and provisions of the constitution of the association, made the following announcement:

"To give further force and effect to this plan, and as an earnest of its solicitude for their comfort and welfare, the company has contributed $100,000 as the nucleus of a fund from which its employés can derive pecuniary relief in the event of becoming incapacitated for earning their livelihood, or by means of which, in the event of death, they may leave some provision for their families, upon condition that they will second its endeavor to promote their welfare by making such contributions to the fund as will secure its permanency and effectiveness.

"The company will also, without expense to the fund, give the services of its staff in conducting the clerical and other business necessary to its proper management; office-room for its records, etc.; and, whenever it is necessary or desirable to employ females or children for such work as they are qualified to perform, preference will be given to the widows, wives, sisters, and children of its faithful contributing employés over other applicants in the order above named.

"It will also make arrangements by which the children of those contributing to the fund, under sixteen years of age, shall travel free when going to or returning from school, over all its lines for distances under ten miles, and will give half-fare transportation to contributors, their wives and children traveling over its lines.

"Also, having learned of the pecuniary necessities of persons formerly in its service, and being anxious and solicitous that its present and future employés, although escaping accidents and sickness while in the discharge of duty, shall not find themselves without means of support whenever, through approaching old age or the contraction of infirmities, they become unable to perform the services assigned them or to earn a livelihood in other pursuits, it has added to the indemnity features of the plan its superannuation or annuity provision, which it commends to their consideration and adoption."

Subsequently this superannuation feature was elaborated under a further endowment which nets the association $25,000 per annum, and later on its savings, building, and free circulating library features were guaranteed by and received the liberal support of the company, which is also taking measures to establish a sanitarium and home for its disabled and aged employés and their families, for which a beautifully located and healthy site has already been purchased.

In the preparation of this scheme the selecting and classification of risks were among the earliest and most embarrassing of the questions to be settled. All legitimate life and accident insurance companies,