science than the almost boyish eagerness with which he would rush into the fray."
From a sketch by a member of his own family, published in the Unitarian paper of London, we learn that he was well versed in literature; that he had a keen relish for political memoirs of his own time; that he took a high view of a citizen's obligations; that he was surprised when in Italy by evincing to himself a susceptibility to the enjoyment of art; that he found unfailing recreation in music; that Nature was to him full of charm and delight; that various qualities made him a genial and ever-welcome companion, trusted for his fidelity; that the dominant conception of his life was that of duty; and that he was rich in family affections.
He was a member of the principal learned societies of his own and other countries; he received the Royal medal of the Royal Society in 1861 and the degree of LL. D. at Edinburgh in 1871, and was elected a corresponding member of the Institute of France in 1873. An illustration of the popularizing tendency of his efforts is given in the fact that the Society of Arts opened one of its life-memberships to him in consideration of the valuable assistance he had afforded it when medals were awarded by it for microscopes to be sold to the public at a cheap rate.
Dr. Carpenter's death, which took place on the 10th of November, 1885, was in consequence of injuries received from an accident which occurred while he was taking a vapor-bath. The lamp of the apparatus being out of order, he used instead a gallipot containing alcohol. In his movements while changing position, he overturned the vessel, and was in consequence severely burned about the body, legs, and face, so that he died about four hours afterward.
THE man who devised and furnished our Government with its first and most useful armored steamboats; who built the St. Louis Bridge; who made one of the shallowest mouths of the Mississippi River permanently navigable for the use of ocean-steamers, and who entertains other practical conceptions as grand as these which, by his logical presentation, have won the unqualified indorsement of the ablest of his professional brethren, has a most evident title to recognition in scientific biography.
James Buchanan Eads was born in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, May 23, 1820. "He very early," says Dr. Boynton, in the "History of the Navy during the Rebellion," "evinced such a love of machinery as attracted special notice." When only eight years old, he watched with the greatest interest all the machinery to which he had access. When