The Monthly Index. Vol. I. No. 1. Bangor, Me.: Q. P. Index. P. 1. 25 cents a year.
The Relations of Mind and Matter. By Charles Morris. Pp. 100.
Function: Its Evolution and Influence on Organization. By C. N. Pierce, D. D. S. Philadelphia. Pp. 11.
Chronological List of Scientific Books and Papers. Pp. 16. Address to the Department of Pharmacy, State University of Iowa. Pp. 8. By Gustavus Hinrichs. Iowa City, Iowa.
Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society, Trenton. N. J. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 22.
Bowlder Mosaics in Dakota. By Professor J. E. Todd. Pp. 4, with Plate.
Household Receipts. Boston: Joseph Burnett & Co. Pp. 68. 25 cents.
Report on Drainage of Mystic, Blackstone. and Charles River Valleys, Massachusetts. Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Company. Pp. 243, with Plates and Maps.
Monthly Catalogue. United States Government Publications. Nos. 9 and 10. Washington, D. C.: J. H. Hickey. Pp. 20 each. $2 a year.
The Bizarre Notes and Queries, January, 1886. Manchester, N. H.: S. C. & L. M. Gould. Pp. 28. $1 a year.
South Pass Jetties. Pp. 87, with Maps. Letters to the Mississippi River Commission, Pp. 14. By James B. Eads. New York.
Illinois State Board of Health, Annual Meeting, 1886, Report of Proceedings. Springfield, Ill. Pp. 66. Decisions under Medical Practice Laws. Pp. 44. Conspectus of Medical Education. Pp. 138.
Hallucinations in Inebriety, etc. Pp. 20. States of Delirium in Inebriety. Pp. 7. By T. D. Crothers. Hartford, Conn.
Oxygen: Its Place in Therapeutics. By S. S. Wallian. New York. Pp. 80.
The Truth-Seeker Annual. New York: Truth Seeker Office. 1886. Pp. 106. 25 cents.
Georgia Department of Agriculture. Supplemental Report of 1865. Atlanta: J. P. Harrison & Co. Pp. 52.
Directors' Report, Harvard Astronomical Observatory. Pp. 13. Early Experiments in Telegraphing Sound. Pp. 7. By Edward C. Pickering. Cambridge, Mass.
Transactions of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin. 1885. Dr. J. T. Reeve, Secretary. Appletons. Pp. 170.
Reports on Electric Signal and Registering Apparatus. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute. Pp. 96, with Plates.
Technical Instruction in Europe. By Charles O. Thompson. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 55.
The Western Society of Psychical Research. J. E. Woodhead, Secretary. Chicago. Pp. 8.
Hearing and Deafness. By F. G. Riley, M. D. New York. Pp. 16.
Lunar Irregularities due to the Action of Jupiter. Washington: Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department. Pp. 20.
Quarterly Report of the Bureau of Statistics to September 30, 1885. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 341.
Report of the Industrial Education Association, New York, 21 University Place. Pp. 81.
Guide to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate. By George W. Van Sicklen. New York. Pp. 58.
Report of the Prison Association of New York on Convict Labor. W. M. F. Round, Secretary. Pp. 15.
The Tehuantepec Ship Railway. By Elmer L. Corthell. Pp. 80. Proceedings of a Public Meeting at St. Louis. Pp. 28.
An Infidel's Plea for Christianity. By C. M. Clark. Seward, Neb. Pp. 16.
Western North Carolina as a Health Resort. By Henry O. Marcy. Boston. Pp. 24.
Extracts from G. von Rath's Notes on the Bement Collection of Minerals. Pp. 11. Meteoric Iron from Jenny's Creek, West Virginia. Pp. 4, By George F. Kunz. New York.
The Louisiana Purchase. By Bishop C. F. Robertson. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 42. 50 cents.
The Theories of Ore Deposits. Pp. 14. The Keweenaw Series, etc., of Michigan. Pp. 9. By M. E. Wadsworth,
Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. III. 1883-'84. Pp. 186. Vol. V, Nos. 1 and 2. Pp. 78. $3 a year, or 40 cents a number.
Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, January, 1886. D. L. James, Secretary, Pp. 64, with Plate.
Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington. Vol. III. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 204.
Hampton Institute: Its Work for Two Races. Hampton, Va. Pp. 34.
Diccionario Tecnolégico, English-Spanish, No. 15. New York: N. Ponce de Leon. Pp. 116. 60 cents.
Cephalopoda of the Cincinnati Group. By Professor Joseph F. James. Cincinnati Pp. 20, with Plate.
Catholic Historical Researches. Edited by the Rev. A. A. Lambing. Wilkinsburg, Allegheny County, Pa. January, 1886. Pp. 40. $1 a year.
Manual Training-School, Washington University, St. Louis. 1885-'86. Pp. 45.
Revista di Artiglieria e Genlo (Review of Artillery and Engineering), December, 1885. Rome. Pp. 246.
John Cabot's Landfall in 1407, and the Site of Norumbega. By E. N. Horsford. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son. Pp. 41.
Evolution and Religion. By Henry Ward Beecher. Part II. New York: Fords, Howard, & Hulbert. Pp. 440. $1.
The Spartan and Theban Supremacies. By Charles Sankey. Pp. 231. The Early Hanoverians. By Edward E. Morris. Pp. 235. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. $1 each.
Introduction to the Study of Chemistry. By Ira Remsen. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 887. $1.40.
Class Interests. Their Relations to Each Other and to Government. By the author of "Conflict in Nature and Life." New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 172.
The New Agriculture. By A. N. Cole. New York: The American Angler. Pp 223. $2.
Mechanics and Faith. By Charles Talbot Porter. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 295. $1.50. Rationalism in Medical Treatment. By William Thornton. Pp. 46.
Mineral Resources in the United States. Reports for 1883 and 1884. By Albert Williams, Jr. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 1016.
History of California. By Theodore H. Hittell. Vol. I. San Francisco: Occidental Publishing House. Pp. 799. $5.
Oceana, or, England and her Colonies. By James Anthony Froude. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 896. $2.50.
Mechanical Integrators. By Professor Henry 8. II. Shaw. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 212. 50 cents.
Household Remedies. By Felix L. Oswald. New York: Fowler & Wells Company. Pp. 229. My Ten Years' Imprisonment. By Silvio Pellico. I New York: Cassell & Co. Pp. 200. 10 cents.