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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 28.djvu/875

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historical account of the territorial changes, by Henry Gannett; and No. 14 ia a paper on the "Physical Characteristics of the Iron-carburets," etc., by Carl Barus and Vincent Stronhal. Except where special provision has been made, the United Stales Geological Survey has no copies of its publications for gratuitous distribution; but copies of most of its works are on sale at fair prices, the moneys resulting from which are, in accordance with an act of Congress, covered into the Treasury of the United States.


A New Logical Machine. By Allan Marquand, Ph.D., Princeton, N.J. Pp. 5, with Plate.

International Copyright. By an American. London: Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Pp. 80.

Did Reis Invent a Speaking Telephone? Opinons of Scientific Men. Pp. 18. On Telephonic Sytems. By Professor Amos E. Dolbear, Tufts College. Mass. Pp. 28.

Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, W. C. Barrett, M.D. Corresponding Secretary. Vol. V, No. 1. Pp. 46.

The Study of the Nahuatl Language. Pp. 7. Notes on the Mangue (extinct language). Pp. 22. By Daniel G. Briunon, M.D., Philadelphia.

Notes on the Flora of Eastern Virgina. By Lester F. Ward. Pp. 7.

Convention of the Provincial Educational Association of Nova Scotia. Minutes. A. McKay, Halifax, Secretary. Pp. 70.

The Scholar's Portfolio. Monthly. J. F. Sharp, Editor and Proprietor, Williamsport, Pa. Pp. 8. $1 a year.

Silver and Gold (Papers on Bimetallism). By F. J. Scott, Toledo, O. Pp. 28.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Washington. No. 1. A. C. Peale. Secretary. Pp. 28.

Veterinary Bulletin, Agricultural College of Michigan. Pp. 4.

A Few Suggestions for the Prevention of Fires. New York: Home Insurance Company. Pp. 8.

The Selborne Society for the Preservation of Birds, Plants, and Pleasant Places. London: G. A. Musgrave. Pp. 11.

Patriotism and National Defense. By Charles H. Hall, D.D. New York: Society for Political Education. Pp. 43. 25 cents.

Modern Armor for National Defense. By William H. Jaques, U.S. Navy. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 44. 50 cents.

The Post-mortem Imbibition of Poisons. By George B. Miller, M.D. Pp. 8. The Exhalation of Ozone bv Odorous Plants. By Drs. J. M. Anders and G. B. M. Miller. Pp. 8.

River and Harbor Improvement Convention at Tusculoosa. Ala., November 17. 1885. Proceedings. W. C. Jemison, Tuscaloosa. Pp. 68.

The Lepers of Molokai. By Charles Warren Stoddard. Notre Dame, Ind.: "Ave Maria'" Press. Pp. 80. 10 cents.

Letters from a Chimney Corner. Chicago: Fergus Printing Company. Pp. 50.

Education In Japan. Washington: Bureau of Education. Pp. 56.

A Theorem of Maximum Dissipativity; and A New Law of Thermo-Chemistry. By George F. Becker. Pp. 11.

Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station for 1885. New Haven. Pp. 139.

Precious Stones. By George F. Kunz. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 60.

Bement Collection of Minerals, from Notes by Professor Gerhardt von Rath. By George F. Kunz. New York. Pp. 11.

Report of the International Electrical Exhibition on Steam-Engines. Pp. 27. with Plates.

Report of the Pathological Department of Norristown Hospital for the Insane, Pennsylvania. Pp. 80.

Report of New York State Reformatory, Elmira. Pp. 46, with Plates.

On the Movement-Cure In China. By D. J. McGowan, M.D. Pp. 12.

Report of New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Pp. 848.

Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, Nos. 15 to 28, constituting Vol. III. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 497.

Evolution: A Scotch Verdict. By Charles F. Deems, LL.D. New York; John W. Lovell Company. Pp. 108. 20 cents.

Easy Lessons in Sanitary Science. By Joseph Wilson, M.D. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son, & Co. Pp. 74. $1.

Our Own Set, a Novel. By Ossip Schubln. New York: William S. Gottsberger. Pp. 280.

Food Materials and their Adulterations. By Ellen H. Richards. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. Pp. 183.

The Chaldean Magician. By Ernst Eckstein. New York: William S. Gottsberger. Pp. 112.

Hobbes. By George Croom Robertson. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood & Sons. Pp. 240.

Hospital Sisters and their Duties. By Eva C. E. Lückes. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son, & Co. Pp. 164. $1.

Romish Teachings in the Protestant Churches. New York: N. Tibbals & Sons. Pp. 100. 90 cents.

The School-Room Chorus. Compiled by E. V. De Graff. 70th edition. Syracuse, N.Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 147. 85 cents.

The Adirondacks as a Health Resort Edited by Joseph W. Stickler. New Y'ork: O, P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 198. $1.

The Life and Genius of Goethe. Edited by F. B. Sanborn. Boston: Ticknor & Co. Pp. 454.

Evolution versus Involution. By Arze Z. Rred. New York: James Pott & Co. Pp 275. $2.50.

What Does History Teach? By John Stuart Blackie. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 123, 75 cents.

Where are We, and whither Tending? By the Rev. M. Harvey, Boston: Doyle & Whittle. Pp. 134. 75 cents.

Poetry as a Representative Art. By George Lansing Raymond. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 346. $1.75.

An Apache Campaign In the Sierra Madre. By John G. Bourke. New York: Charles Scribner's Son's. Pp. 112. $1.

The Butterflies of the Eastern United States. By G. H. French. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 402. $2.

A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. By Professor Victor von Richter. Translated by Edgar F. Smith. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Sou, & Co, Pp. 482. $1.

Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1883-84. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 948.

Cassell's National Library. No. 1. My Ten Years' Imprisonment. By Silvio Pellico. Pp. 200. No. 2, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. By Lord Byron. Pp. 192. No. 3, Autobiography of Benjamin