Frazer, Persifor. The Application of Composite Photography to Handwriting. Pp. 10.
Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. School of Pharmacy. Third Annual Announcement. Pp. 8; Bulletin No. 1. Pp. 22.
School of Pharmacy, University of Michigan. Annual Announcement for 1886-'87. Ann Arbor, Mich. Pp. 44.
Marcou. Annotated Catalogue of the Published Writings of Charles Abiathar White. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 64.
Curtiss, Romaine J., M.D., Joliet, III. State Control of Medical Education and Practice. Pp. 32.
Skidmore, Professor S. T., Philadelphia. The Burial of an Ass. Pp. 15.
Austen, Peter P., New Brunswick, N. J. The Purification of Water by Alum. Pp. 4. Dinitrosulphocyanbenzene. Pp. 3.
Historical Society of Southern California. Los Angeles. January, 1886. Pp. 43.
Hartwell, Edward Mussey. Physical Training in American Colleges and Universities. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 183. With Plates.
Wads worth. M. E. On a Supposed Fossil from the Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. Pp. 4. List of Publications, 1877-1835. Pp. 8.
Kennedy, J. F., M. D. Typhoid Fever. Pp. 14. Health Laws of the State of Iowa. 3836. Pp. 43.
Smithsonian Accounts of Progress in 1885. Geography, by J. King Goodrich, pp. 36; Chemistry, by H. Carrington Bolton, pp. 50; Astronomy, by William C. Winlock, pp. 114; North American Invertebrate Paleontology, by John Belknap Marcou, pp. 46; Anthropology, by Professor Otis T. Mason, pp. 56; Mineralogy, by Professor E. S. Dana, pp. 26; Vulcanology and Seismology, by Professor Charles G. Rockwood, Jr., pp. 23; Physics, by Professor George F. Barker, pp. 60. Washington: Government Printing-Office.
Warden. Florence. Doris's Fortune. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 194. 25 cents.
Cassell’s National Library. No. 20. The Battle of the Books and other Short Pieces. By Jonathan Swift. Pp. 192. Poems. By George Crabbe. Pp. 192. Egypt and Scythia described by Herodotus. Pp. 192. 10 cents each.
Tchernychewsky, N. G. What's to be Done? Translated by Benjamin R. Tucker. Boston: Benjamin B. Tucker. Pp. 329. $1.
The Cognitive Powers. By James McCosh. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 245. $1.50.
The Mystery of Pain. By James Hinton, M.D. Boston: Cupples, Upham, & Co. Pp. 121.
Kedzie, J. H. Solar Heat, Gravitation, and Sun-Spots. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 304. $1.50.
Chamberlin, Edwin M. The Sovereigns of Industry. Boston: Lee & Shepard. Pp. 136.
Harris, Amanda B. Old School-Days. Boston: Interstate Publishing Company. Pp. 109. 60 cents.
Kirke. Edmund. The Rear-Guard of the Revolution. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 317. $1.50.
Hoffman, K. B.. and Ultzmann, R. Analysis of the Urine. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 310. With Eight Plates.
Steam-heating Problems. New York: The Sanitary Engineer. Pp. 233. $3.
Logan, John A. The Great Conspiracy. Its Origin and History. New York: A. R. Hart & Co. Pp. 810. With Plates.
Abbott, Helen C. de S. Preliminary Analysis of the Bark of Fouquieria splendens, pp. 8; Yucca angustifolia, pp. 32.
The Nineteenth Century Club.—The Nineteenth Century Club has completed its fourth season of lectures and discourses with undiminished interest on the part of its constituency. The organization has been true to its idea of securing the presentation of all sides of important questions. Besides its social success, its general intellectual and moral influence has been salutary. In the discussions just concluded the conservative side of thought has been represented by the Rev. Mr. Haweis, Rev. William Lloyd, Rev. Dr. Edward McGlynn, President McCosh, the Hon. C. M. Depew, P. R. Coudert, and President Porter as leading speakers. The views of President Eliot, of Harvard, were controverted by President Porter and Dr. McCosh. President Porter also had a discussion on "Evolution" with Professor E. S. Morse, of Salem, and Professor H. Newell Martin, of Johns Hopkins University, but his address took up so much of the evening that the other side had no opportunity to be heard with corresponding fullness.
New Light on "Arbitration and Conciliation."—Much has been written on the supposed labor question which the events of the last six months have made obsolete. Of this kind is a large part of "a plea for arbitration and conciliation," as embodied in a pamphlet on "Labor Differences and their Settlement," by Mr. Joseph D. Weeks, of Pittsburg, which has been sent us, bearing the imprint of the Society for Political Education. If workmen were always the gentle, much-enduring lambs that this author assumes them to be, there would be a place to make the peaceful ways of settlement between them and their employers which he suggests the rule. But where can arbitration and conciliation come in in such cases as the New York Steam-Heating Company and the Gray and the Landgraf boycotts, and the Texas Pacific and Third Avenue and Lake Shore Railroad strikes and their attendant "tie-ups"? These events have cast a new light on the matter; and those writers who are advising employers to submit the control of their concerns to outside organizations and are asserting the equal