Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 29.djvu/890

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Fire-Extinguishers, Automatic 137
Fishes and Frogs, Parental Peculiarities in 136
Fish, Fossil, in New Jersey Trias 574
Flat-Fish, The Science of 107
Fleas, Development of 861
Flying Fish, Does the, fly? 122
Flying Force, The, of Birds 427
Food Accessories and Digestion 63
Food, Poisons formed from 284
Forest Devastation in Japan 714
Forest Preservation, Canadian 141
Fouillée, Alfred 681
France, Eastern, Mineral Springs of 508
Fraud and its Victims 842
Fungi, Parasitic, on Plants 138
Future, A Bald and Toothless 803

Galton, Francis, Sketch of 117
Gaudry, Albert 827
Genesis, The Interpretation of 122
Genius and Precocity 469
Genius and Precocity 594
German Paleontological Museums 827
Gillmore, Parker 617
Gould's (Dr.) Astronomical Work, The Magnitude of 280
Government, the Federal, Transportation and 335

Hadley, Arthur T. 1
Hale, Horatio 204
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert 83
Heat, A New Prospective Source of 140
Heavens, the, Photographing 71
Heer, Oswald, Sketch of 546
Hereditary Diseases and Race-Culture 639
Holder, C. F. 784
Horse-Eating 711
House Sanitation, Ancient 140
Hovelacque M. A. 98
Huxley, Professor T. H. 458

Ice, What, can do 282
Iles, George 462
India-Ink, The Story of 859
Indian Medicine 649
Inebriety, Premonitions of 862
Inherited Memories 858
Insect Species, an, Distribution of 428
Inventions, The Genesis of 136
Iron, Rustless 393
Irrawaddy, The Problem of the 427
Irrawaddy, The River 712