the plant-studies of his pupils. The fame of his success went abroad, and he was solicited to lecture in many places, and to assist in organizing the botanical work in various schools and colleges. Like Faraday, he was invited by Prince Albert to lecture to the royal children, whom he interested in the same way that he had done the pupils of his Hitcham classes.
Other points of great interest in Prof. Henslow's career and character we should be glad to dwell upon, but our sketch is already overdone. Sufficient, however, has been said to show how science may increase the usefulness of a clergyman, and prepare the way for his higher work and that higher work—was not neglected by Prof. Henslow. He not only labored hard and perseveringly for the temporal good of his parishioners, but he discharged toward them with fidelity the duties of a Christian minister. In the twenty-four years of his residence at Hitcham there was a period of twelve years when he was not absent from the parish on a single Sunday. The secret of so much varied work was a strong constitution, unremitting industry, and strict method in the disposal of his time. But the strongest constitutions have their limits, and a false security tends to their being often overpassed. Prof. Henslow was under a constant strain, and the illness that terminated his life was probably brought on by his "incessant mental and manual labor." He passed away May 14, 1861, and his loss was deeply felt in the world of science, in his university, and in the parish to which he had devoted so much of his unselfish life.

XI.—The Political Bias.
EVERY day brings events which, showing the politician what the events of the next day are likely to be, serve also as materials for the student of Social Science. Passing occurrences may have their special meanings sought, as by the many, or may have their general meanings sought, as by the few. Scarcely a journal can be read, that does not supply a fact which, beyond the proximate implication seized by the party-tactician, has an ultimate implication of value to the sociologist. Thus à propos of political bias, I am, while writing, furnished by an Irish paper with an extreme instance. Speaking of the late Ministerial defeat, the Nation says:
"Mr. Gladstone and his administration are hurled from power, and the iniquitous attempt to sow broadcast the seed of irreligion and infidelity in Ireland has recoiled with the impact of a thunder-bolt upon its authors. The men who