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Professional and other Papers by E. S. Holden (in general chronological order)—(continued).
No. | Title. | Place and date of publication. |
31 | Synopsis of the Scientific Writings of Sir William Herschel [by Holden and Hastings]. | Washington 1881. 114 pp. 8°. (From Smithsonian Rep., 1880.) |
32 | Reports of Observatories, 1880. | Washington, 1881. 126 pp. 8°. (From Smithsonian Rep., 1880.) |
33 | An Account of Recent Progress in Astronomy (For the years 1879 and 1880.) [Note.—Similar reviews will be found in the Smithsonian reports for 1881, 1883, and 1884.) |
Washington, 1881. 37 pp. 8°. (From Smithsonian Rep., 1880.) |
34 | Studies in Central American Picture-Writing. (Illustrated.) | 1st Ann. Rept. Bureau Ethnol. Smithson. Inst. pp. 207-245 (1881). |
35 | Investigation of the Objective and Micrometers of the 26-inch Equatorial constructed by Alvan Clark and Sons. | Washington, 1881. 44 pp. 4°. (Washington Observations, 1877, App. I.) |
36 | The Multiple Star Σ 748. | Washington, 1881. 22 pp. 4°. (Washington Observations, 1877, App. I.) |
37 | List of Red Stars observed at the Washburn Observatory. | Copernicus, 1; 176 (1881). |
38 | Observations on the Light of Telescopes used as Night-Glasses. | Am. Jour. Sc., 3 s., 22: 129-131 (Aug., 1881). |
39 | Observations of Comet b 1881 [1881, III], made at the Washburn Observatory. (Illustrated.) | Am. Jour. Sc., 3 s., 22: 260-263 (Oct., 1881). |
40 | Publications of the Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin. Vols, i, ii, iii, iv. | Madison, 1882-'86. 4 vols. 8°. |
41 | Monograph of the Central Parts of the Nebula of Orion. (Illustration.) | Washington, 1882. 230 pp. 4°. (Washington Observations 1878, App. I.) |
42 | Observations of the Transit of mercury, 1881, Nov. 7, at Mount Hamilton, California. | Am. Jour. Sc., 3 s., 23: 48 (Jan., 1882). |
43 | On the Inclination of the Ring of Saturn to its Orbit, deduced from Washington Observations. | Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 42; 304-307 (April, 1882). |
44 | Measures of the Rings of Saturn in the Years 1879, 1880, 1881, and 1882. | Am. Jour. Sc., 3 s; 23: 387-394 (May, 1882). |
45 | Figure of the Nucleus of the Bright Comet of 1882 [1882, II.] (Illustrated.) | Am. Jour. Sc., 3 s; 24: 435 (Dec., 1882). |
46 | Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island, May, 1883. | Mem. Nat. Acad. Sc., 2: 1-146 (1883). |
47 | Observations of the Transit of Venus, made at the Washburn Observatory. | Am, Jour. Sc., 3 s., 25: 71-74 (Jan., 1883). |
48 | List of Twenty-three New Double Stars discovered at Caroline Island by E. S. Holden and C. S. Hastings. | Science, 2: 66 (July 20, 1883). |
49 | Preliminaary List of Errata in Yarnall's Catalogue. | Astron. Nachr., 107: 261-268 (Oct., 1883). |
50 | A System of Local Warnings against Tornadoes. | Science 2: 521 (Oct., 19, 1883). |
51 | Proper Motion of Lacaille 8262. | Astron. Nachr., 107: 273 (Oct., 1883). |
52 | The Narrow Belt on Saturn. (Illustrated.) | Observatory, 7: 74 (Mar., 1884). |
53 | Statistics of Stellar Distribution derived from Star-Gauges and from the Celestial Charts of Peters, Watson, Chacornac, and Palisa. | Observatory, 7: 249-256 (Sept., 1884). |
54 | The Lick Observatory. | Sid, mesa., 301-303 (Dec., 1884). See also Overland Mon., n. s., 6: 651-655 (Dec., 1885). |
55 | Sketch of professor S. P. Langley. | Pop. Sc. Month., 27: 401-409 (July, 1885). |