should have existed within the limits of New Jersey. This may, however, be attributed to certain causes which have existed over these areas during the deposition of these formations, and which would have produced a special fauna fitted for those conditions by eliminating from it all other forms not fitted to withstand them. Beyond this certain rapid or sudden changes seem to have taken place over nearly the entire coast of the State, at somewhat regular periods, which materially changed the conditions of life abruptly." The condition of preservation of the fossils, which are generally seen only as internal easts, also makes them hard to identify with perfect shells.
Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. Vol. I, No. 2. Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co.
This association appears to be making progress. The present number of its proceedings contains an interesting address from the president. Professor Simon Newcomb, of Washington, D. C, which discusses the subject of thought-transference with acumen indeed, but with only negative results; a report on the number-habit as bearing on thought-transference; a report of the committees on hypnotism, on mediumistic phenomena, and on thought-transference, with an appendix containing some experiments in the last-named field; a paper on the existence of a magnetic sense; a research on the reality of Reichenbach's flames; a preliminary report of the committee on apparitions and haunted houses, and a schedule of directions for investigation as to the alleged facts respecting the same. The society is now getting into good working order, and ought soon to give us something tangible as the fruit of its labors.
Kedzie, R. C. Agricultural College of Michigan. Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 7.
Rigg, James. London. Catalogue of Apparatus for Technical Instruction, etc. Pp. 80.
Holden, Edward 8. Photography the Servant of Astronomy. Pp. 12.
J. & J. Cash. Coventry, England, and New York. Harvard Commemoration Badge, satin.
Martin H. Newell, and Brooks, W. K. Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Vol. III. No. 8. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp.80, with Plates. $1 and $5 a volume.
Powter, N. B. Grand Caymans "Natural Phosphatic Guano." New York: Leaycraft & Co. Pp. 20.
James, Professor Joseph F., Oxford, O. Topography of Cincinnati. Pp 6.
Union for the Improvement of the Canals of the State of New York. Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention. Pp. 15.
Wilder, Burt G. The Collocation of a Suture and Fissure in the Human Fœtus. pp. 6. Human Cerebral Fissures, etc., pp. 4. The Paroccipital Fissure, pp. 4. Notes on the Brain, and other Papers, pp. (in all) 7.
Hunter, Osborne, Jr., Washington, D. C. Labor versus Capital, etc. Pp. 32.
Ashby, Thomas A., M. D. On Operating during the Same Anæsthetization for Lacerations of the Cervix Uteri and Ruptured Peritonæum. Baltimore: Medical Journal. Pp. 10.
Becker, George P. The Washoe Rocks. Pp. 28.
Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station. October Bulletin. Pp. 12.
Griswold, W. M. The Continuous Index. October and November, 1886. Pp. 1. 25 cents a year.
Williams, Chauncey P. Gold, Silver, and the Coinage of the Silver Dollar. Albany; Weed, Parsons & Co. Pp. 26.
Shufeldt. R. W. On an Old Portrait of Audubon, etc. Pp. 4, with Plate.
Crothers, T. D., M. D., Hartford, Conn. Certain Hereditary and Psychical Phenomena in Inebriety. Pp. 15.
Cornell University. Proceedings in Memory of Louis Agassiz, and in Honor of Hiram Sibley. 1885. Pp. 88.
Newberry, J. S. Earthquakes. Pp. 19.
Martin, Lillie J. Outline for Study in Chemical Botany, pp. 3. Plan for Laboratory Work in Chemical Botany, pp. 3. Preliminary Analysis of the Leaves of Juglans Nigra, pp. 7.
Brinton, Daniel G., M. D. Ikonomatic Writing. Pp. 14.
Dawson, Sir J. William. The Geological History of the North Atlantic. Montreal: Gazette Company. Pp. 50.
Ranch, John H., M. D., of Illinois. Address in State Medicine. Pp. 28.
American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions. 1886. Pp. 163.
State Board of Health of Illinois. Eighth Annual Report. Springfield, 111.: H. W. Rokker. Pp. 556. Medical Education and Medical Colleges in the United States and Canada. 1765-1886. Pp.172.
P. Blakiston, Son & co., Philadelphia. The Physician's Visiting List for 1887. Twenty-five patients weekly. $1.
Ives, Frederick E , Philadelphia. Isochromatic Photography with Chlorophyll. Pp. about 50, with Plates.
Peale, Albert C, M. D. Mineral Springs of the United States. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 225.
Raleigh, Thomas. Elementary Politics. London: Henry Frowde. Pp. 163. 25 cents.
Publishers' Weekly. Illustrated Christmas Number. 1886. Pp. about 200.
Mills, T. Wesley. Outlines of Lectures on Physiology. Montreal: W. Drysdale & Co. Pp. 200. $1.
Clifford, William Kingdon. Lectures and Essays. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 441. $2.50.
Jukes-Browne. A.J. The Student's Hand-Book of Historical Geology. New York: Scribner & Welford. Pp. 597.
Colter, Buel P. An Elementary Course in Practical Zoölogy. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 189. 85 cents.