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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 30.djvu/652

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comes 21 to 22 per minute. Regular and Irregular.—Twenty-four returns; regular, 21; irregular, 3.
Teeth.—Forty-two returns; 24 had none, and in 13 the teeth were specified. Among the 37 cases, there were 144 teeth: Upper jaw, C3—incisors, 19; canines, 8; molars, 36. Lower jaw, 81—incisors, 23; canines, 13; molars, 45. In five cases the number was alone given. Average (42 cases) 4-5 teeth. In one case, they "all came out whole." Males.—Fourteen returns; 6 had none; average, 4 teeth. Females.—Twenty-eight returns; 18 had none; average, nearly 5 teeth. Three females had a complete set, and another had 17 teeth; one male had 24, and another 16, teeth.
Artificial Teeth.—Thirty-eight returns; none, 34; yes, 1 (female); many years, 2 (male and female); from 50 to 90, 1 (female).
Evidences of Failure.—Thirty-five returns; none, 18; failures in 17 cases. Heart., 2.—In one, "sounds distinct, no murmur, very irregular, at one minute beating 60 to 70, and at another double as fast"; in the other, "circulation feeble, frequently sick and faint, as if she were going." Heart and Lungs, 3.—In one, "heart and lung sounds weak"; in another, "pulse intermits 6 times in a minute, impulse weak, slight bronchitis"; in another, "aortic regurgitation, slight bronchitis." Heart and Urinary Organs, 3.—In one, "loud systolic bruit at base, no appreciable interference with circulation, micturition frequent"; in another, "heart-sounds tumultuous and irregular, micturition frequent"; in another, "heart's action slightly irregular, not discernible in pulse, frequent micturition." Lungs, 2.—in one, "chronic bronchits"; in the other, "cough for four months." Brain, 3.—Senile dementia in two cases; in one, "childish for six years"; in the third case, apoplexy, right hemiplegia, aphasia, and death shortly after. Brain and Urinary, 1.—"Aphasia for 14 days, incontinence of urine." Urinary, 4. One had "some incontinence for ten years"; in two others, micturition was slow; and in another, "incontinence."
Micturition. Male.—Ten returns; natural, 7: slow, 2; frequent, 1. Female.—Twenty-three returns; natural, 18; frequent, 2; incontinence, 3—in one case for 10 years.—British Medical Journal.

Lamarck's Herbarium.—The botanical department in the Museum of Paris has just added to its collection the herbarium of Lamarck. On Lamarck's death this work passed into the hands of Mr. Roeper, Professor of Botany in the University of Rostock, who incorporated it with his own. On his death, in March, 1885, it was acquired by the Government of Mecklenburg-Schwerin for the University of Rostock. Professor Roeper's successor afterward offered it to the Paris Museum. The herbarium is contained in twenty-one voluminous cases, and comprises 10,000 species in perfect preservation, accompanied by labels and manuscript descriptions, and designs from the hands of the author.