environment and the complete soundness and efficiency of that individual. In the struggle for existence, where all the conditions for successful and vigorous life have unavoidably been present in poorest degree, it inevitably follows that competition with more vigorous minds and bodies must result in hopeless defeat. Hence the absurdity of most of the ideas advanced for the relief of social wrongs. Appeals are being continually made to Government to remedy this unfortunate state of affairs. But Government can not help or prevent the operation of natural law. These laws of Nature have been permanently established by the Deity, and no set of men acting temporarily as figure-heads of society can alter their operation. Human life, to be satisfactory, must be conducted according to a knowledge and in conformity with these laws. All that Government can do and should do is to strive to furnish and insist upon the most favorable natural conditions or environment possible for the people—in other words, give them the best chance. Beyond this, nothing can be done by Government. It can not alter a man's ancestors. The Scriptures, as well as the state, tell us to work out our own salvation.
No altered laws will compensate for defective knowledge or willpower in the regulation of human affairs. A man or a sect with a panacea is always popular. It is disagreeable to face the fact that the causes of most of the ills of life are complex and often difficult of removal. Universal specifics are thus numerous. The statement that people like to be humbugged is as true of social as of physical ills. They shift from one to another of the many quacks who can point to a single and sure road out of all their troubles. Two leading theories have been advanced to reorganize society—socialism and communism. As a sentiment, socialism is in keeping with the highest conception of the relation of man to man; as an organization, it is the enemy of society, since it is not in correlation with the present structure and development of human nature. The underlying sentiment of socialism claims that every man should have a fair opportunity to make a comfortable living and a chance to develop what is best in himself and family. At present this is impossible in many cases. It will continue to be impossible until the weak can be strengthened by more favorable environment for a more efficient struggle in life.
Communism recognizes the evils resulting from the fearfully unequal distribution of wealth, and would force a general division. As human nature is now constituted, this is an idle conception. The wealth that is universally distributed and equalized to-day will tomorrow be again in the hands of the few. Legislators can not prevent this unerring economic law due to fundamental differences in men's development and equipment. Beer-garden philosophers would bring everybody to a level—the lowest level—well exemplified in themselves. In the different strata of society, if men could only be leveled from below up in physical and mental weakness and inefficiency; from above