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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 30.djvu/808

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Conversation in a railway-train, of father, mother, and two daughters:

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \relative e' { \cadenzaOn e4^\markup { \smaller \italic "I. Daughter." } c e c g' e \bar "|" e^\markup { \smaller \italic Mother. } c c \bar "|" \clef bass e^\markup { \smaller \italic Father. } c g \bar "|" \clef treble a'^\markup { \smaller \italic "II. D." } g c, \bar "|" g^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } b c c c a g \bar "|"
a'^\markup { \smaller \italic "II. D." } g f \bar "|" d4.^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } c8 b4 g g \bar "|" c^\markup { \smaller \italic "I. D." } c8[ c] e4 c \bar "|" e^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } e d \bar "|" c^\markup { \smaller \italic "I. D." } \bar "|" g^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } \bar "|" d'^\markup { \smaller \italic "I. D." } e f e e c \bar "|"
f^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } e c \bar "|" \clef bass a^\markup { \smaller \italic F. } f g e c' \bar "|" \clef treble a'^\markup { \smaller \italic "I. D." } g c, e \bar "|" f^\markup { \smaller \italic "II. D." } e e c'2 \bar "|" g4^\markup { \smaller \italic "I. D." } f e \bar "|" g^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } e \bar "|"
f^\markup { \smaller \italic "II. D." } e c e g c \bar "|" f,^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } e \bar "|" c'^\markup { \smaller \italic "II. D." } a g f e \bar "|" f^\markup { \smaller \italic M. } e \bar "|" \clef bass a,^\markup { \smaller \italic F. } g f e a g \bar "|" \clef treble a'^\markup { \smaller \italic "II. D." } g \bar "||" } }
{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key bes \major \relative b' { \cadenzaOn bes4^\markup { \smaller \italic Boy. } bes8 bes d4 bes \bar "|" d,^\markup { \smaller \italic Mother. } f( bes,) \bar "|" bes'^\markup { \smaller \italic Boy. } bes8[ bes] d4 bes \bar "|" g^\markup { \smaller \italic Mother. } bes8[( ees,]) \bar "|" g4 ees \bar "||" d f \bar "||" g^\markup { \smaller \italic "Other Woman." } bes( g) \bar "||" d^\markup { \smaller \italic Mother. } f \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { _ _ _ _ _ No, no. _ _ _ _ No, no, come on. Good -- bye. Good -- bye. Good -- bye. } }

In a recent journey from Calais to Boulogne, Amiens, and Rheims, I found most people there speak in the key of B flat major and minor. The large bells at the belfry at Boulogne and at the cathedral at Rheims also have the low B flat, and may have been cast in that tone to be in unison with the voice of the people. Some of the convesations along the route, and the calling out of the names of railway-stations, were as follow:

Two women on Boulogne pier.

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key bes \major \relative b { \cadenzaOn bes4^\markup { \smaller \italic I. } d f g f \bar "|" f^\markup { \smaller \italic II. } f d bes \bar "|" ees^\markup { \smaller \italic I. } ees d f \bar "|" bes,^\markup { \smaller \italic II. } ees d2 \bar "|" bes'4^\markup { \smaller \italic I. } f bes f bes, f' d' \bar "|" bes^\markup { \smaller \italic II. } bes d, bes f' \bar "||" } }