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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 30.djvu/810

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{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key bes \major \clef bass \relative b { \cadenzaOn bes8 f f4 \bar "|" f8 bes a2 \bar "||" f4 bes des8[ ees8] des4 \bar "|" f, bes f'8[ f] f4 \bar "||" a, c2 \bar "|" ees4 a,2 \bar "||" f8 f f bes4 bes \bar "||" f' d2 \bar "||" d,8 g bes4 g \bar "||" bes8 bes g c8[ ees] d4 \bar "||" bes, f'2 \bar "||" f8 bes a2 \bar "||" g4 f2 \bar "||" f'4 d2 \bar "||" d,8 ees f2 \bar "||" bes,8 d f4 \bar "||" bes,8 bes bes d f4 \bar "||" c'4 a2 \bar "||" d,8 d g f4 \bar "||" d g( f) \bar "||" d f( ees) \bar "||" d f2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Neuf -- châ -- tel, Neuf châ -- tel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ver -- ton, Ver -- ton, Cou -- chelle le tem -- ple. Ver -- ton. Ab -- be -- vil -- le. Mon -- tez en voi -- ture. St. Erme. Var -- sig -- ny. La Fère. Ter -- gnier. A -- mi -- ens. Mar -- tel -- lan. Vil -- liers Bre -- ton -- neux. St. Josse. Dan -- nes Ca -- miers. Rix -- ant, Rix -- ant, Rix -- ant. } }

The French railway guards and conductors deserve to be complimented for their melodious calls of the names of the stations.

The omnibus conductors in London ordinarily call out in the key of B flat; but at busy places and hours they speak in a higher key. At Charing Cross I heard them call:

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \clef bass \key g \major \cadenzaOn { d'8 d' d' b g g4 \bar "||" r8 d' d' d' b g g4 \bar "||" a2 \bar "||" g8 g g a fis fis b b g \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { A pen -- ny all the way; a pen -- ny all the way. Bank. Hol -- lo -- way, High -- bu -- ry, Horn -- sey Rise. } }

The paper boys call:

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key bes \major \relative f'' { f4 f d bes c c f, bes d c a bes d c a8 bes f4 } \addlyrics { Mor -- ning pa -- per. Mor -- ning pa -- per. }

The calls of three paper boys I heard on one day at Charing Cross formed the dominant seventh chord:

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f <d' fis' a' c''>4 \bar "||" }
{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 2/4 \relative f' { fis4^\markup { \italic "I. Boy." } a | c^\markup { \italic II. } c | d,^\markup { \italic III. } fis } \addlyrics { Pa -- per. Pa -- per. Pa -- per. } }

Some of the cries of venders in the streets are quite beautiful and touching, like the following I heard and noted down of a boy in Long Acre: