Henderson, C. Hanford. Philadelphia. Notes on the Modifications of the Bessemer Steel Process. Pp 9.
Miles, Manly, Lansing, Mich. The Microbes of Nitrification.
"The Ottawa Naturalist," June, 1887, Ottawa, Canada. Pp. 16. $1 a year.
"Civics." Vol. I, No. 1. June, 1887. Quarterly. Pp. 56. $1 a year.
Stoney, Wilbur L., Goshen, Ind. The Circulation of the Blood: A Theory. Pp. 3.
Outerbridge. A. E., Jr. A New Process of casting Iron and other Metals upon Lace, Embroideries, Fern-Leaves, and other Combustible Materials. Pp. 4.
New York Ladies' Health Protective Association. Memorial to Mayor Hewitt on Street-Cleaning. Pp. 12. Memorial on Slaughter-Houses. Pp. 7.
Cooper Union. Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh, and Twenty-eighth Annual Reports of the Trustees. Pp. 44.
Oliver. Charles A., M. D. A New Series of Berlin Wools for Color-Blindness Tests. Pp 41. A New Series of Metric Test Letters and Words for Accommodation Tests. Pp. 1.
Groh, Israel W. Is the God of Israel the True God? New York: Truth-Seeker Company. Pp. 79.
Bell, Clark. Seventh Inaugural Address as President of the Medico-Legal Society of New York. Pp. 13. Insanity and the Care of the Insane Pp. 48
Foerste, A. F., Denison University. "Flint Ridge" Bryozoa. Pp. 18, with Plate.
Allen Gymnasium, Boston. Circulars for 1886 and 1887.
Hubbell, Alvin A. . M. D., Buffalo. N. Y. Congenital Occlusion of the Posterior Nares. Pp. 16
West, James H. The Work of a True Church. Chicago. Pp. 14.
Bell, A. N., M. D. The Physiological Conditions and Sanitary Requirements of School-Houses and School-Life. New York: Medical Society of the State of New York. Pp. 83.
Romero, Señor Don Matias. Speech on the Birthday of General U. S. Grant. Pp. 16.
Campbell, M. M., Topeka, Kansas. Open Letter No. 1 and Open Letter No. 2. To American Rulers, and to all who write or read American Literature
"The Woman's Argosy," June, 1887. Monthly. Chicago and New York. Pp. 64, with Plates. $3 a year.
Davis, W. M., Cambridge, Mass. Water-Vapor and Radiation. The Foehn in the Andes; and other Meteorological Papers.
Upton, Winslow, Providence, R. I. An Investigation of Cyclonic Phenomena in New England. Pp. 54.
Nimmo, Joseph Jr., Huntington. L. I The Interstate Commerce Act, Third and Fourth Sections. Pp. 8.
Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary. Nineteenth Annual Catalogue and Announcement. Pp. 19.
Ohio State University, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, 1886-'87.
Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus. Report for 1886. Pp. 316
Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass. Twentieth Annual Report of the Trustees. Pp. 84.
Putnam, F. W. Conventionalism in Ancient American Art. Pp. 12, with Plates.
Rotch, A. Lawrence. Results of Meteorological Observations at Blue Hill Observatory, Mass. Pp. 45, with Plates.
"Social Science." Vol. I, No. 1. Weekly. New York. Pp. 16. $3 a year.
Queen, James W., & Co., Philadelphia. "Microscopical Bulletin and Science News," Edward Pennock, Editor. Monthly. Pp. 16. 25 cents a year.
Eggleston, E. R., Mount Vernon, Ohio. Malaria: Its Origin and Cause as a Factor in the Production of Disease. Pp. 8.
Indiana Signal Service, H. A. Huston, Purdue University, Lafayette, Director, "Bulletin" for May, 1887. Pp. 8.
Austen, Peter T., Ph. D., Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. The Study of Analytical Chemistry. Address to Class of '06, Rutgers Grammar-School. Pp. 3.
Buller, Nicholas Murray, Ph. D. The Effect of the War of 1812 upon the Consolidation of the Union. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. Pp. 30. 25 cents.
"The American Weekly," San Francisco. Pp. 16. 10 cents, $3 a year.
Vasey, George. Grasses of the South. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 63.
Pohlman, Julius, Buffalo, N. Y. The Niagara Gorge. Pp. 2. The Human Teeth viewed in the Light of Evolution. Pp. 6.
Engelmann, George J., M. D. . St. Louis. The Use of Electricity in Gynecological Practice. Pp. 149. Galvanic and Faradic Electricity in the Treatment of Uterine Displacements. Pp. 30.
Board of Education, Rochester, N. Y. Thirty-ninth Annual Report. Pp. 189.
Kneass, Philadelphia. "Magazine for the Blind." May, 1887. Pp. 16. 30 cents, $3.50 a year.
Moury, William A., Editor. "Common-School Education Monthly," Boston, Eastern Educational Bureau. Pp. 40. 15 cents, $1 a year
"Medical Classics." Vol I, No. 1. June, 1887. Medical Classics Company, New York. Pp. 16.
"American Journal of the Medical Sciences," I. M. Hays, Philadelphia, and Malcolm Morris, London, Editors Quarterly. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers & Co. Pp. 304. $5 a year.
Lewis, T. H., St. Paul, Minn. Snake and Snake-like Mounds in Minnesota. Pp. 3.
"Home Knowledge," Robert A. Gunn, Editor. June, 1887. New York: Home-Knowledge Association. Pp. 64. 20 cents, $2 a year.
Tidy, Dr. C. Mevmott The Treatment of Sewage New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 224. 50 cents.
Johnson, Virginia W. The House of the Musician. Boston: Ticknor & Co. Pp. 256. 50 cents.
Wiley, John, & Sons, New York. Practical Works and Text-Books on Civil, Mechanical. Mining, and Marine Engineering, etc. Catalogue and Descriptions. Pp. 175.
Wellcome, Henry S. The Story of Metlakabtla. New York: Saxon & Co. Pp. 483. $1.50.
Heermans, Forbes. Thirteen Stories of the Far West. Syracuse. N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 268.
Brown, John Allen. Palæolithic Man in Northwestern Middlesex. London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 204, with Plates.
Greenwood, J. M. Principles of Education Practically Applied. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 192. $1.
White, James C, M. D. Dermatitis Venenata Action of External Irritants upon the Skin. Boston: Cupples & Hurd. Pp. 216.
Hubbard, Bela. Memorials of a Half-Century. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 581, with Plates.
Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents to July. 1885. Part I. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 996
Powell, J. W., Director. Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology—1882-'83. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 532.